Enter the name of the party against whom the claim was filed. (The name is located on the notification you received).
Begin by explaining what happened (We make it easy to add any supporting info you have.)
Decide what you want from the other party-either monetary or non-monetary, or both.
The other party may accept or reject your terms, or offer new ones. You can modify your terms at any time.
The claim closes when either side accepts an offer. Unresolved claims post publicly, so there is strong incentive to settle.
Challenge bad BBB ratings, Yelp reviews, credit reports and other damaging online content.
Have a different kind of complaint? File a claim against anyone, anywhere.
Online review and rating sites like the BBB and Yelp can be useful resources.
But sometimes unfair, one-sided, biased information appears that can damage your reputation.
PeopleClaim makes both sides of the story available when someone Googles your name.
Reclaim your reputation in 3 easy steps:
PeopleClaim does the rest.
Search through claim backgrounds on thousands of companies, professionals and people.