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When Domestic Violence and Disabled Discrimination happens in family court

Opening StatementProvided by: Adrienne L., Plaintiff
I'm a survivor of many years of Domestic Violence. When I left my abuser I went to treatment for PTSD. When I came home he took my son a day before his birthday and basically legally kidnapped him. I fought until I was financially drained. I then found out I had a terminal brain disease and haven't been able to work in a year and half. I just got approved for social security, but I will not receive for months. My husband worked two jobs to get the attorneys we had and we ran out of money to continue fighting. My ex was given custody while he was out on bond for assault against me and will not allow any calls. The abuse hasn't stopped, it's just now through the court room and lawyer. I have been bullied by the attorney. She was unethical. They wouldn't allow my mother or my oldest son to be around him because she testified that she saw bruises on me. My ex has been arrested for stalking me and assault. He has multiple felonies and I haven't ever been arrested or ever on drugs. There have been 4 dcs cases against him and not once was I contacted. The judge wouldn't even listen to me. The guardian never interviewed me. My cries for help were ignored completely. The advocate I worked with said that Wilson county is notorious for letting domestic violence slide. That was definitely the case with Judge Gwinn, the guardian, and DCS. This is how domestic violence plays out in court if the judge allows it. This is why so many women stay. This was my worst nightmare that came true. I'm begging for myself and other women that we demand a judge that is capable of making the best decision for the children involved. I can't sleep at night knowing my child is not safe. Please help.
Wilson county tn

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Plaintiff seeking
My son back. Justice for victims. Libel and pergury charges.

This Trial's Core Issues
1. Additional background.
As, I have gotten anywhere anywhere and I don't have the funds to pay for a lawyer. I'm going to self for a civil suit against the county for failing to assist. The cop whom actually took a call and talked my ex who called into dispatch instead of actually talking to me the victim. The magistrate w
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    • [-][+]My resolution
    • 6 years ago
    S.J. M. (Neutral)
    Call the Domestic Violence National hotline at -1-800-799--7233. There are federal protections in place to assist a victim of domestic violence . a long with an advocate. There is a possibility for , mental health therapy , restitution by the perpetrator, Grants and/ or funding as well.
    I would also notified Child Protective Services because your child is a possible victim to violence.
    If this child has witnessed the assaults, such an incident is considered mental abuse. Child Protective Services can also make a recommendation as to where your child should live
    and what type of environment is appropriate for your child. There are federal agencies who you may file a complaint against a judge for unwarranted behavior.
    Contact the number I gave you and they may advise you as to whom and where you need to notify to file your complaint.
    Also why haven't charges been filed against the perpetrator by the district attorney ?
    Have the police responded to any of those assaults and if so why did they not provide an
    emergency protective order ?
    Also what is the basis for not having visitation with your child even if it was a supervised visitation?
    I would have made a lot of calls to Social Services .
    This is inappropriate. Resolution with a person who assaults another individual
    in the presence of their child requires legal intervention as they obviously can't control themselves and assistance is required
      • [-][+]My resolution
      • 6 years ago
      Monique S. (Justice-minded person)
      appeal the custody decision file for a free lawyer for low income file a grievance on as many involved as you can contact an Tessa advocate in your behalf file for your right to visit him whether it at a center supervised or not look into all resources and follow through on all of them whether they will help or not file for low income payment to or free of cost legal cost in all court fees including your filing fees jump through all hoops there throw at you show them ur not backing off or giving up ever appeal all decisions stay focused keep only positive good people around u delete anyone causing u drama look in to the Gerson therapy for all a natural cure to all degerit diseases plus colloidal silver water listen to dr group and Charlotte Gerson about curing you unknow disease and most of all pray with all your heart call out to him in the name of his son and if you don't doubt him you will have your son back and before you judge me or the comments I written down I have been through it and its possible to take control if you ask Jehovah the one and only true god for help He will give you peace I say that with great confidence because I've witnessed it first hand look to the bible for the answers those seeking him will regain power if there heart is sincere I got my daughter back and my life after being arrested for attempted murder and having them takin away from me after 6 years of domestic abuse to the point of shooting at him stand up take action and pray to god for guidance to give you the wisdom and knowledge to fight this and ask him to ease the pain of missing your child and to keep him safe while you fight for him don't give up take these words with an open heart and let them dissolve in your soul. if you need spiritual confert and search for your answers go to jw .org its very resourceful I promise it will help you
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      PeopleClaim is a pre-litigation negotiation platform that allows parties to combine claims against counterparties in order to negotiate group or individual settlements that avoid litigation, increase recovery amounts, and settle cases more constructively. The process does not requre a lawyer or legal representation and does not carry the force of law. Read more...
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      Important: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system providing claim filing and online "trials" to settle party-to-party disputes and engage discussion in matters of public interest or controversy. PeopleClaim is not a court of law, and decisions arrived at through PeopleClaim trials do not legally bind disputing parties unless by mutual agreement. Terms such as "court," "trial," "verdict," "plaintiff," "respondent," "advocate," "neutral," "argument," "rebuttal," and other words borrowed from law are not used in their technical legal sense and should not be interpreted as such. The goal of PeopleClaim Online Trials is to increase public participation in dispute resolution and public policy by airing, debating, and seeking resolutions to matters of public interest as well as commercial disputes.

      Parties participating in PeopleClaim trials have the option to resolve their disputes through mutual consent, under terms proposed by other trial participants such as "advocates," "neutrals," and others. PeopleClaim does not enforce any such agreements or promise any outcome to trials hosted on its site. PeopleClaim is not responsible for content posted in either public trials or in party-to-party claims registered at All trial content, including case summaries, rebuttals, suggested resolutions, and comments, are solely the responsibility of the posting parties.PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of opinions posted on its site by trial participants or others.

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