About PeopleClaim

People helping people resolve disputes

Better, faster, cheaper resolutons through the court of public opinion

Our mission

To provide greater access to affordable justice, to expand public participation in dispute resolution through online peer-to-peer negotiation channels, and to encourage fairness-based resolution in commercial disputes.

What we doLearn more: watch the video

PeopleClaim provides a unique low-cost or free alternative dispute resolution (ADR) option to people who cannot find or afford a lawyer to take their cases – or for cases where the recovery sought is insufficient to justify the time or money costs of formal legal action. PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice, opinions, or services.

Our system also provides for optional publication of unresolved claims to help disputing parties gauge public opinion about the fairness of their position or policies, and to crowdsource more creative and mutually agreeable settlement structures.

Why an alternative system is needed

The majority of Americans (and citizens of many other countries, as well) are increasingly disenfranchised from the justice system due to the high time and money costs of legal processes. Lawyers reject an estimated 80-95% of cases because the realities of running a viable practice preclude cases that are too small or unlikely to win.

While low-income people have limited access to overburdened legal aid programs, and the wealthy can afford lawyers if their cases warrant the cost, the middle class often cannot afford a lawyer or qualify for legal assistance. This has resulted in increasing and unsustainable reliance on risky self-representation in court, where the unrepresented party is more likely to lose against a counterparty that can afford a lawyer. PeopleClaim can help by allowing anyone to engage any counterparty, anywhere, in online fairness-based negotiated settlement.

Why PeopleClaim works

Although we can't guarantee specific results, PeopleClaim has helped thousands of people resolve disputes, some within days or even hours of filing a complaint. Some cases take more time, and may only be resolved when multiple complaints against the same party have been filed.

PeopleClaim's success is based on increasing individuals’ participation in the justice process, reducing polarization between parties, and bringing public scrutiny to disputes.

  • Increasing communication and reducing polarization. PeopleClaim increases communication and understanding between parties and replaces blame with constructive negotiation around a specific set of settlement terms that either side can submit, counter, or agree to.
  • Public exposure of dispute issues. Public discussion of a dispute can help reflect and reinforce fairness and common sense. The public expects fairness from product and service providers regardless of technicalities or legal loopholes.
  • Public participation and crowdsourced solutions. Our process harvests creative settlement structures from legal professionals, consumer advocates, and the general public. Instead of a single mandated settlement, considering and incorporating such third-party input in arriving at a settlement allows both sides the benefit of an outcome that has greater social authority and legitimacy.
  • Cost. Avoiding legal expense and risk motivates both sides to resolve differences constructively.

Get help with a dispute

Who uses PeopleClaim?

We have processed over twenty thousand commercial disputes involving consumer, employment, freelancer, and landlord/tenant issues; healthcare and insurance denial claims; compensation, deposit and delinquent rebate claims; and other cases where claimants were not able to find practical resolution and/or representation through conventional regulatory, legal, or consumer help organizations.

The majority of the cases we handle are under $15,000 of sought recovery. Some ask for as little as an apology or explanation. Our system can also be used for social justice and commercial or government agency policy claims.


While there is no replacement for competent legal representation for serious legal matters, PeopleClaim can provide both consumers and businesses low-cost online help in resolving smaller disputes quickly, constructively, and without the risk or burdens of the legal process. Because we are a fairness-based system, users do not need legal expertise and are not subject to unpredictable adverse judgments or the risks of self-representation (“pro se”) in court. Claims that cannot be resolved though the PeopleClaim process can be referred to regulatory agencies, mediators, or lawyers for additional assistance where necessary.

How you can participate

  • Consumers, patients, and citizens: It’s easy to use PeopleClaim to resolve a dispute against anyone you feel has treated you unfairly, including vendors, professionals, and government agencies. Click here to learn more.
  • Legal aid and pro-bono groups: Refer cases that are outside your mandate or that you cannot otherwise offer service to. Contact us for more information: legal@peopleclaim.com
  • Lawyers: PeopleClaim provides a more compassionate and socially responsible channel for cases you cannot accept. You can refer cases to PeopleClaim and/or become eligible to receive referrals of cases that PeopleClaim cannot process. We do not pay or accept payment for referrals, however certain cases may qualify for pro-bono credit for the referring lawyer. For more information contact legal@peopleclaim.com
  • Interns: Advocacy Training Program. Gain practical experience helping resolve real disputes: Click here to learn more.
  • Media: More people need to know about alternative dispute resolution options. If you would like to interview our founder or receive additional information about PeopleClaim please contact us at media@peopleclaim.com

PeopleClaim for developing countries

As in the USA, citizens in developing nations are often disenfranchised from justice through their legal systems due to cost, bureaucratic policies, location, or other constraints. PeopleClaim has launched a pilot program in Pakistan to help low-income and middle-class Pakistanis gain equal justice in commercial and social rights dispute resolution. We intend to expand this program to other developing countries in the near future. For more information contact Hira Arif: hira@peopleclaim.com

*IMPORTANT: PeopleClaim is a public dispute resolution system, independent of the BBB, small claims court, or other dispute resolution services. PeopleClaim is not a law firm and does not provide legal services, opinions, or advice. PeopleClaim facilitates peer-to-peer negotiation and resolution and crowdsourced input on issues of fairness to help resolve complaints. Users should contact professional legal counsel on any matters of law or regulation regarding their claims. PeopleClaim does not review or evaluate the merits of claims submitted through its site, and users are solely responsible for all content filed in their claims.
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