Public Mediation

Canon City Municipal Government Dispute

  • 25% of recovery offered for best resolution
G. M. vs. Canon City Municipal Government
615 Macon Ave Ste 106, Canon City, Colorado, 81212-3390, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: 6 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 4215332
    • Amount Involved: 2,000,000.00
    • Filed On: Apr 02, 2021
    • Posted On: Apr 13, 2021
    • Complaint(s):
      • Overcharge or billing error
      • Problem with a service
      • Bad business practices
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"They have caused my FAMILY great harms and injuries, through malfeasance , neglect, and arbitrary unauthorized procedure actions. Misusing authority, to steal private property,(selling confiscated cars and other valuables), then charging us over $50,000.00 for stealing our possessions. I paid over $800.00 to register 8 cars we owned;they took them the next day; two land rovers, two bmw's, a jaguar, a 1966 Lincoln, trucks, van, motor homes and more. These cars were sold illegally, without title and by a city parks employee, who seconds as an abatement salvage worker. Extortion through fines and cost which are conscience shocking, which in turn, will perpetuate and snowball faster than anyone can pay them; then the unlawfully use the erroneously gained debt as a direct lean; (which would mean it was gained honestly through legal due proses for a valid debt, not an extorted deprivation of rights, under color of law) which they illegally place in front of the outstanding property taxes so people can't pay them and lose their properties through the inability to pay the taxes and the fifty grand.

By this point they have turned off our ppwater,(3 years ago), and won't turn it back on until we regain occupancy by passing their inspections. I paid the water bill in full two years ago, still they refuse to turn it on; normally a citizen could seek relief from the consumer advocate for utilities issues, but, canon city, CO being a municipality oversee their own corporation. Which really means there is no oversight and they can do as they please to the citizens they vow to protect, in violation of law and fundamental rights. Negligent of what law requires and provides for under these circumstances. Mysteriously, our house then caught fire, on the front porch which then went in and upstairs inside.

No investigation due to the police departments requiring there be no investigation procedure. My brother showed up during the fire and wanted to get his dog out of the house so he was razed multiplayer times and put in a cruiser. His dog died in the fire. Now since we refuse to give up, they are attacking us through the building dept; saying that we haven't rebuilt fast enough, and ordering a second abatement and demanding impossibilities of us that we can't financially meet, purposely. They did so by misplaced misfeasance procedure, moving forward from a misdemeanor ticket given my brother, for burying his dog on the property, then falsely claiming civil authority in same issue, and ordering an abatement unlawfully. Through the above acts the city attorney and code enforcement, and building dept. conspired together and only served papers on my brother, whom has no authority. The properties are still in my deceased mothers name, and I am the PREP to her estate. I was not named, served process nor present during the kangaroo court, making the proceedings null, void and unconstitutionally and in violation of law.

They threaten to bulldoze our home and file criminal charges on us to extort what they want; our land and water. All of this was done in further violations of law, during the pandemic when Colorado law says civil cases shall be stayed, temporarily, unless they are a danger to the public. Our house is not a danger , the windows are boarded up, and the roof is covered, where the fire burned through. I am left with no choice but to seek aid legally, both civil and criminal at the Federal level, as this is public corruption, and racketeering organization as the patterns will show in the records of behaviors through which they, have gained capital and real estates they use to invest in larger organizations they own unlawfully to launder money unfairly taken through manipulation.

Federal law says that the justice dept. is authorized and REQUIRED, to investigate, and prosecute; to protect us from tyranny and corruption by government representatives at the state level."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Canon City Municipal Government Hide
  • Apr 24, 2021, Claiming party added:
  • The canon city municipal court, is trespassing, taking every personal property we have, tearing down metal sheds built by manufacture, the used a trac hoe to tear the roof off a dog house ,cruelty and uneccesarily injuring my brothers pet goats physically, too his lamb and refuse to return it, because one of the gov. Employees took it home to their house, cruelty to animals, and theft. They have unlawfully descended upon my deceased mothers property, unlawfully, by issuing an order to abate, without service of notice, and with out jurisdiction or legal authority. A order of a court concerning private real estate, must provide service upon the owner, or owners representative to gain jurisdiction and be proper venue. An order without notice and service to a neccesary party, is without jurisdiction, a nullify, hollow and void. Therefore they are just trespassers and thieves, operating falsely under color of law to injure us though arbitrary malfeasance and negligent to duty and oaths. Using their authority for personal gain and profit. Public corruption in textbook form. It happened before, it's happening now, and it will happen again if we can't stop them. They will do this to others... You? What if this happened to your mom,or kids or grand kids? They will if we don't unite together and stop them. We the people are responsible for not allowing tyranny, abuse, and or corrupted power to exist or maintain a position of trust. Join me, file your own claims, speak out, tell what they have unfairly done to you or those you know. United we stand divided we fall. Trust God/Question Authority

What Claimant Wants Hide
What By When How Much
1. Remove false or malicious web content, business reviews, etc.: Cancel abatement Apr 10, 2021 N/A
2. Repair: House fire Jun 16, 2021 N/A
3. Replace: My brothers BMW, 1998 328 I Aug 10, 2021 N/A
4. Upgrade: water and power May 02, 2021 N/A
5. Change of policy: You will not use what you did to my mother as precedence to harm others Apr 02, 2021 N/A
6. Stay off our property, we do not recognize your authority as valid, due to your actions upon us Apr 02, 2021 N/A
1. Compensation: Two years of missed work, private properties taken, rent lost from renters thrown out,( taking away our source of income), and the cost to repair house. Apr 30, 2021 $2,000,000.00
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Canon City Municipal Government to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
Cash total : $2,000,000.00
Non-cash: 6 items
  • 0
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
Awaiting response from Party
Sal Chicago commented
Sal Chicago (Comment):
"There seems to be a great deal of mischief and mayhem with this case. There could be some collusion from the locals that appears to fan the flames. That said, it may be prudent to bring in an outside source(s) to bring visibility to the situation."
 (4 years ago)

Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Canon City Municipal Government. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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