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extremely disappointed employee vs. Catholic Health Initiatives

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HR Director stole my husbands pension in most horrid way.

S. E. vs. Catholic Health Initiatives
198 Inverness Drive West, Englewood, Colorado, 80112, United States
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"MMC Durango , CO, owned by CHI, stole my husbands pension. The HR director stole these funds, by using Fidelity as a flunky. HR Dir. had us sign a rollover from pension to Fidelity Trad. IRA. Then she altered that contract really poorly after notarization. Hiding key info. Fidelity was to tell us the account was fine and to just leave it until my spouse retired 7 YEARS LATER. But the HR Dir. at MMC instructed Fidelity to put the funds into a Wells Fargo no interest money market in 2014. She then had distr. checks sent to MMC HR Dept. She forged my spouses signature which she had on file. she also had a picture ID (his work ID) access to our bank and account #, and most of all she had access to the pension funds. She deposited into his bank account, then copied his signature on withdrawal slips until every last penny from the check was out of his account. Since Fidelity was instructed to lie to us, alot of time passed. This CHI is a bunch of greedy , selfish, oinkers. There is a 77 yr old woman who has been at CHI foundation for about 50 yrs or more. Its not a dream job, so why oh why would she still be there. The stolen money is way too good to give up. All HR staff have been there for a long time, and I think they also stay because of the easy pension theft they have been doing for at least 20 + years. They recently burned all files, and closed up the MMC Durango, CO HR Dept. There is no assistance for employees about to find out their pensions are gone. So far I know of 3 people who have already figured out their pension is gone. CHI only cares about $$. True story. They brag on their website about making millions for their Shareholders. They overcharge patients, underpay employees , pay zero taxes, then steal all pensions back. They should not be able to claim a tax exempt status. They do nothing selfless. And I mean zero, nothing at all. Greed is all they are."
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  • Oct 27, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • Hello. I am going to send some pictures of the altered contract. When we signed this contract, our understanding was that Fidelity would take the $28,544.00 and roll it into a Fidelity Traditional IRA acct # ending in 4233. Then it would sit with Fidelity until Mr Valdez actually retired. He worked there until 2021 ! But with the contract being marred with a stamp and a fake ink bleed , (on a bleed proof paper). This stamping and inking was deliberate, to cover that pertinent info. I am going to see an assistant DA in La Plata County today, to talk about a civil case against CHI. This is due to CHI altering this contract after we signed and notarized. Someone in the HR Dept of MMC , directed those funds to a non interest earning money market account with Wells Fargo ? Who changed the plight of those funds ? And while Mr Valdez and I were being lied to every year when we called for tax info for the pension / IRA. Fidelity agents ( Brian , mgr Elizabeth, Stacey, Kara, Daniel, Robert) told us his accounts were "safe and sound" and we needed nothing for our accountant because Mr Valdez didnt take any distributions. They gave us a total in that account of $28,544 every year until 2021. We had no idea (and why would we ?) that Mr. Valdez's pension was stolen in 2014 - 2015. This was the first rodeo , that is obvious. Fidelity finally admitted that CHI had posession of those funds, and Fidelity is just a bookkeeper ? I say "fall guy" . The altered contract had us mail the copy to CHI in Lincolnshire, IL. CHI had control of the funds, lied and said it was Fidelity, sent us on thousands of false roads. Cathy Roberts was and is the HR Dir. The buck stops with her. She had all the means at her fingertips to commit this crime. All of Mr Valdez's bank accounts, signature, bank is down the street, picture employee ID, and most of all , accessibilty to the funds. That's who I am betting on for this crime. She works for CHI and they are ultimately responsible , as she is in the HR Dept. We have been treated like crap by MMC , including Ms Robber, and the HR staff. Everyone passing the buck. No one at MMC interested at all in finding out who stole their employee's 27 yr of service pension. You hire Fidelity, so why couldnt Ms Robber call Fidelity and tell them that she wanted all pertinent info for MrValdez's pension. To email her all the info on where it went. ?? Why not that?? Nope . Deflect, lie and pass the buck. Fidelity tried to make us just go away. 3 hour holds, no one knew anything about anything. Such a cover up. Mystified people. No one keeps notes at Fidelity, and they know nothing at all. Suddenly incompetent. ? This pension was stolen, Ms Robber knows it, Fidelity knows it, CHI knows it, and we know it. Please , do not insult us anymore than you have. Mr Valdez trusted people he should not have trusted. He had pride in the job he spent 27 yrs doing at MMC. He sacrificed Christmas with family ,and all other holidays if he was scheduled on those days. He had great reviews, and he felt good about the job, so much so that he stayed until 72 yrs old. And then he gets punched in the gut with the fact that he was totally taken advantage of, and he was lied to. Not only did you make him feel like a fool, but you stole the pride he had in the job that he did at MMC. I cried for two days just to see the broken hearted look on his face. Dont keep insulting us with lies. This has been insulting enough. Someone just stole something he was promised for retirement, and although it may not seem like a lot of $$ to anyone else , it meant a lot to him. He was thrilled he could buy me a dryer since we have been without one for 6 years. And just small things that he felt proud he could do with that fund. He now wishes he had never worked there. Too bad the good people have to change instead of the other way arou

  • Oct 27, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • This is altered contract.

  • Oct 27, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • The ink blot doesnt even match front to back. And besides that the contract states rollover of $28,544, even tho the pertinent information was covered over. This was very deliberate, as you can see the flaws in this attempt for a cover up. My lawyer said this contract is invalid.

  • Oct 27, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • Here are 2 letters to Mr Valdez from 2021, one looks like a form letter from Fidelity ?? (a lot of these letters going out ?) but the problem is , it is on CHI letter head. oops . And the other letter from 2021 states that he had 2 accounts in 2021. In the end , his 401k was the only one to make it out alive. Where is the other? CHI sent us the first dist check , so they did have control of the funds, not Fidelity. Fidelity has admitted this. CHI is responsible for this trickery and embezzlement.

  • Dec 09, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • CHI declined with no explanation ? At least you stay consistent with your smug, we can steal whatever we want attitude. You standing behind your thieves is exactly what I expect. Your HR DEPT at MMC has quite the ring of thieves in it, and they make you proud huh? CHI has disrespected my husband and I terribly , so you are getting the same respect you give. It realize you don’t care about anything but yourselves and your all important money. You should try a different kind of wealth called “doing the right thing.” Try it some time. You might like it. I doubt it tho, it’s not what you are made of. The truth in this matter is, you know CHI stole my husbands pension, you know it, MMC HR Dept staff (thieves) know it, your corporate office knows it, other employees know it, Fidelity knows it, and we know it, but most of all GOD knows it. So your lame actions aren’t fooling anyone at all. We all know , so you are fooling no one. You must be so proud of your thieves, and of yourself. Wow. What an accomplishment, and you did it “all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.” You can’t even make it past the very 1st commandment! Do you honor the God of money? OF COURSE YOU DO! Do you ever think of anything else? You lie , cheat, and steal for it in the most Godly way huh? You declined my offer in the most cowardly sniveling low life way. The two common traits you have at CHI are gleeful cruelty, and greed. I will forever warn others about your awful corporation and since we rescheduled 2 major surgeries to other hospitals , you already lost almost a million $$. I have over 20,000 followers on my social media pages and I sing your UN-praises endlessly. I have warned all your current CHI employees at every single CHI property about your lack of ethics. Hopefully they are all pulling out their pensions immediately. You have been exposed. I have warned the public by posting on community bulletin boards in two major cities in every single state. And you stole ALL current pensions that remain at MMC. This is a fact. You have a class action (another one) in your near future. I also trust karma will get her hands on you and your phony administrators. It already has made them ugly. It’s called their “inner ugly is starting to show on the outside. Ewwww. You should really try the new concept to you of “doing the right thing. “. Actually do what God asks. I know that would be really hard for a horrid Corp like yours to do, but be a trail blazer and try it. I will keep costing you patrons at every opportunity I have. Sure stick your big nose in the air and stay with your lame smug attitude. It’s real attractive NOT . I hope you lose your undeserved tax exempt status . You do mot help anyone and the taxes would sure help more people than your greedy Corp does l. True story. Thank you for nothing. You really are making a huge difference in the world. NOT !

  • Dec 09, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • I could re write about all the illegal , dishonest , greedy , selfish acts that CHI has done , but they already know what scum they are. They are proud if these acts . I am taking your big thief to civil court (Cathy Robber) and I will embarrass and expose her for the scum she is, and the scum company she represents.

  • Dec 09, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • Post this case for all to see. Lets expose these thieves , who lie, cheat and steal , all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord ! Hell awaits them !

  • Jan 03, 2023, Claiming party added:
  • Take a look at the BS contract from 2014. And what did you do? Send it to CHI , from Fidelity, then right back to CHI , just to be sent back to Fidelity? Right !! You are full of BS. We are working very hard to take away your very undeserved tax exemption.
    We are making large steps. You honor the god of money and your ugly selves only only only. Bottom line is "Hell awaits you,"

  • Jan 03, 2023, Claiming party added:
  • Mercury Medical Center , owned by Catholic Health Initiatives , Durango ,CO, has closed its HR Dept. this is a 1,500+ employee facility , with no one to go to when they realize their pension has been stolen. The HR director is gone with all the $$ she stole throughout the years. It’s funny how CHI doesn’t fire these embezzler’s ??? I guess peas of a pod. One if the thieves still works in the hospital. What christians. NOT! CHI has stolen all pensions in a final greedy , predictable swoop! They just can’t part with a penny for their real workers. Hope their lose their undeserved tax exemption. Donate at the corporate office …NOT at MMC in Durango. Trust me !

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Recovery of Losses: Pension Nov 01, 2022 $30,000.00
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Catholic Health Initiatives to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
Cash total : $30,000.00
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The claimant's settlement terms were rejected with no explanation. This claim will remain posted until resolved.
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  • Contributed Solution: by George Maxwell On 01-03-2023
    Your husband should file complaints directly with the agencies mentioned below More...
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