Public Mediation

Empress Hair Care-Dispute-#1692222

P. F. vs. Empress Hair Care
8828 N. Stemmons Frwy Suite #118, Dallas, Texas, 75247, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
    • View response from: Empress Hair Care
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I purchased the product ReGro on line after seeing the info-mercial on TV. The info-commercial advertised an extra kit to go along with the ReGro Products at a special price that makes sense. They advertise that there is a Hair Specialist available to answer any questions you may have. I have Lupus and have lost most of my hair. After receiving the products and reading the pamphlets I tried several times to talk to the Specialist only to get a recording to leave a messeage; only to have done this on three occassions on option 8 and also option15 that belongs to David Greenburg. To date no one has returned a call. I returned the products unused, unopened with a letter how disappointed I am on June16th, to date no response.

Today I called 1-866-697-3476 only to speak to a real person about my refund. I explained the situation and my concerns and no specialist has called. The enclosed letter/pamphlet also says it can refund minus 15%, I'm told today I will get only $42.00? of the $88.93 and a retun of the extra kit cause they don't refund on that. Mind you, that is not in pamphlet or info-commercial & nothing is used or open, what happened to 15%? This is half.
Today, after product has been sent back, they want to address my questions. This product was purchased in May, order no. 257667 customer Id 237038. I don't want products they are sending back; because of their attitude. I don't trust the Product especially after the rep chose to talk over me and just wanted to get me off the phone."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Empress Hair Care Hide
  • Jul 16, 2012, Claiming party added:
  • Your small company is full of it. I tried contacting this company even when I placed the order.I tried after I got the product and all I got was recording. I just got out the hospital and just viewing this e-mail and I have to say I read the info and tried several times. I even left a messessage on Mr. Greenberg extension and no response from you. You didn't give me as a customer to address my issues and you reassure me that you product lves up to you advertisement. So don't try to make it seem like I'm just contacting you now. you said 15% deducted you took half. Used particles non-refundabe, I used nothing everything sent back just as I got it. You feel givin me products back is sufficient not so; if I'm leary about part why would I use some. Your company has some accreditabilty issues.

What Claimant Wants Hide
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Empress Hair Care to make a fair offer.
1. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Jul 20, 2012 $7.95
2. Other – Physical delivery charges Jul 20, 2012 $2.99
Cash total : TBD
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Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
The claimant's settlement terms were rejected with the following explanation:
  • "Pamela Freeman contacted our office in regards to the reutn onf product she sent back to the company. Our refunds department had received the return and has already begun processing on it. This was explained to Pamela. Her products she returned of the two,only one carries the money back guarantee. The growth treatment that we guarantee to grow hair in 90 days or your money back. Pamela stated after reading certain side effects and warnings she then decided against using the product due to her medical condition. I did inform her she would be eligible for a refund of the growth treatment,but the other items she purchased are not covered under the company's guarantee. In that case we offered to ship them back to her residence with no shipping chareges being billed to her. Pamela stated she will not use the products and did not want us to return them to her. It is comapny policy to return them,so therefore that policy will be followed. Also her paperwork indicates shipping & handling is non-refundable and that all returns have a 15% processing fee. Her main complaint was that she was never able to talk to a hair care specialist and felt as if our company gave her the run around. I explained that hours of operation are M-F 9 am 5pm CST. We receive tons of calls on a daily basis. I apologized that we are a smalll office and we try to handle all complaints,calls and concerns in a timely manner. Not sure why Pamela was never able to contact us before today. Her refund will be processed and credited back to her account and her remaining products will be shipped to her home on Monday."

This claim will remain posted until resolved.

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  • Comment: by Jennifer Sheehy — Online mediator
  • On: 07-22-2012
  • From looking at the website for Empress Hair, it is clear that refunds are subject to the 15% cost of shipping and handling. It does not, however, state that only certain products can be returned for a refund. If certain products are not eligible for a refund for any reason (it seems), it should be stated specifically with the products on the website, or clarified on the page that promises money back.
  • Comment: by Claimant On: 07-18-2012
  • I am the claimants daughter and for you to say she only contacted you about the return is a LIE and if we need to pull phone records as proof it can be done. It's amazing how you could send an email about her refund but you could not respond to the messessages left if you are so overwhelmed with phone calls. The day my mom called she got lucky when she spoke to your Ms. Rhonda. When the products were returned a letter was enclosed, you did not even address that. What are you going to say:(There was no letter). The letter was addressed to your Rhonda person. What happen to you Mr. Greenberg? My mom left you a message where you too busy also?
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