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My Claim vs. Hartmann Electrical Contracting

W. S. vs. Hartmann Electrical Contracting
155 Broad St, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 18360-1557, United States
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 3749895
    • Amount Involved: N/A
    • Filed On: Apr 21, 2016
    • Posted On: May 02, 2016
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • Problem with a service
      • Customer service runarounds
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I had Tom Hartmann come to my home and told him I needed a 200 amp service put in. The wiring in the house was vandalized by the previous owner so I had no power at all. Tom went through the whole house and basement and sent me a contract by email for installing a new meter box outside and a new 200 amp service box inside. He told me a raw inspection would take place after the meter box was installed and PPL (the power company) hooked up the power to the meter box and install a new meter. Tom also told me he would hook up existing wires coming out of the basement where the old service box was. He did not do that because there are no wires coming out of the old box. Everything was cut and all the circuit boxes were removed. He put in new circuits to the well and hot water heater and I had one outlet in the kitchen working and on light in the foyer working. He said he was done with the work and wanted to get paid the balance for the work. By the way, Tom only came to the house once when he looked at everything. He sent two of his employees to do the work. They never went to school for electric and they told me they were learning on the job. I wanted Tom to come back to the house and see what was left to be done and he would not even talk to me on the phone. I didn't pay the balance of the bill because he was not done and I only had on outlet and one light. Two days later I had no power at all. Someone came to the house at night and went into the service panel outside and taped both sides of my incoming wires and reattached them. I had another electrician come out to the house and he found the taped wires and said to me that whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing."
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Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Hartmann Electrical Contracting to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
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Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
Message from Hartmann Electrical Contracting: Pay me the balance of the contract and i wont take you to court for the $785.00. I do not think you get it you signed the contract i completed the work per the contract. It is a simple as that i would contact an attorney if you need them to explain how a contract works that is why we have a contract to define the work.
What By When How Much
1. pay me May 06, 2016 $785.00
Cash total : $785.00
  • 0
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