Public Mediation

Jessica Horton & Associates Dispute

S. K. vs. Jessica Horton & Associates
410 East Taylor St, Ste K-4, Griffin, Georgia, 30223, United States
Amount Involved: Other terms
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"Jessica Horton is a local realtor who sends out attractive post cards to residents in my over-55 community. She touts herself and the #1 salesperson for our Del Webb establishment. I am a senior citizen who lives alone and became a victim of Jessica Horton's hype. She promised to sell my home quickly. She told me my asking price was too low and that I should raise it. I responded that I desired a quick sale. During the 3 months she has had my listing, Ms. Horton has come up with a myriad of excuses for her failure to sell my home. She said my carpet was not fresh and must be replaced; so it was removed and I paid for new carpet throughout the house. Then she said that a flooring allowance would have been more attractive to prospective buyers. The excuses have been many; results have been nonexistent. Her latest excuse was that there was a dent in the stainless steel refrigerator door. Of course. that is not true. She told me that the dent was a dealbreaker and that everyone who had seen my house commented on that dent. I have pictures showing the refrigerator (as well as every single room, wall, and appliance in the entire home). There is no dent; the home has been professionally cleaned, pressure-washed, patched and painted. All these things I did and paid for at her urging. As I was a first-time seller and lived alone, I also did not know that signing an exclusive listing agreement with a realtor who did not belong to the MLS was unwise. When I checked with other local realtors, I was told that Mrs. Horton is the only real estate agent in the state of Georgia who requires an exclusive agreement with clients. I checked with other residents in Sun City Peachtree who had, at one time, Jessica Horton Real Estate signs in their front yards. I was told horror stories! Several had been harassed by Mrs. Horton and her husband after they indicated dissatisfaction with her unprofessional behavior AND failure to sell their homes. One former resident had to call the local sheriff, who went to the Horton home and filed a "cease and desist" report against them. It then came to light that Jason Horton, who had answered my phone calls as his wife's representative and given me advice as to selling my home, is a convicted felon and was not supposed to have been inside our homes. Mr. Horton spent two years in the state penitentiary form breaking and entering with a firearm. He is by law banned from entering a private residence unless invited in. I asked Mrs. Horton about this and she agreed that it was true. Prior to all this, Mr. Horton called me one day and cursed at me for asking about something with the house. He screamed at me that he "didn't need my "sh*t" and wouldn't take any sh*t from anyone. He said that i should take my ball and go home, which I will gladly do as soon as my attorney has gotten me out of this "exclusive agreement" Jessica Horton has emailed and texted me derogatory messages, all of which I have kept. I have filed formal complaints with the Georgia Real Estate Commission, the head of Marketing and Membership of the Georgia Multiple Listing Services, and the Head of Marketing with Pulte Homes. It is my desire to prevent this woman and her husband from victimizing anyone else."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Jessica Horton & Associates Hide
  • May 25, 2014, Claiming party added:
  • i do not want money. i chose the "make me happy" option hoping that you would see our agreement is not working. I want out of my dealings with you due to your unprofessionalism and that of your associate, Jason Horton.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

  • Jun 07, 2014, Jessica Horton & Associates (responding party) added:
  • Comment removed at the request of Jessica Horton & Associates.

What Claimant Wants Hide
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Jessica Horton & Associates to make a fair offer.
1. Other – Copy claim to regulators Jun 09, 2014 $14.99
2. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Jun 09, 2014 $7.99
Cash total : TBD
  • 0
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)

Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Jessica Horton & Associates. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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  • Comment: by Claimant On: 08-23-2015
  • the only solution is for this business to cease.
  • Comment: by Mr Michael Creel — Online mediator
  • On: 05-27-2015
  • The most hilarious part of Jessica Horton’s statement is below:

    “Firstly, I would like to thank you. I would like to thank you for clearly demonstrating: you are not a respecter of contracts. And what is a contract? It's a person's word put down on paper. Of course, if the person giving their word (with their signature) doesn't have any integrity... the paper—and the words written down on it—are: meaningless. Completely meaningless. And our contract—on page 5 (section 18)--clearly defines how disputes are to be handled. And what does our contract say?”

    In 2008 Jason and Jessica Horton left Georgia while being sued and having their assets frozen by a real estate business partner. They arrived in Bellevue WA and Jessica became the Broker at Brio Real Estate (Jason functioned as her flunky). I was a Realtor at the company at the time.

    Approximately one month after their arrival, I had to depart for Iraq and needed to rent my home out. They not only wanted to rent it and all the furnishing in it, but they insisted on a three year lease; which I agreed to.

    After I had completed the lease arrangement with the Horton’s and accepted the first month’s rent and deposit, I left and went to Iraq. After one month, when the rent cam due ($2,800), they were late in paying it; and shortly after that, Jessica was fired. When the next month’s rent was due, they did not pay it; in fact, they never paid the rent again.

    I finally had to fly back to Washington State to deal with the situation, and by the time I got there they had fled back to Georgia. In fact, they left in such haste; they left all of their personal possessions in the home. The home had been abused, and there was considerable damage to it; trash and food was everywhere.

    When I finally reached the Horton’s by phone, they were adamant that they would pay for the damage; the cost incurred cleaning it and hauling their garbage to the dump, as well as all of the back rent. Because they fled in the winter, the home sat empty for several months. In the end, the Horton’s owed me roughly $20,000.

    Jessica insisted that I prepare a written agreement and set payment terms with them for the debt they now had with me (I have all of the emails proving this). I prepared the agreement and sent it. They never signed the agreement, and to this day, have never paid a dollar on their debt to me.

    Now I see they are still out there scamming people every chance they get, which is disheartening. From what I’ve read they are not members of the MLS, which frees them from operating under the MLS rules and regulations; it also means that when they “list” your house, it doesn’t get posted on the MLS; so other agents don’t see it. It’s a pretty shady way to do business.

    The news that Jason Horton is a convicted felon previously incarcerated for burglary and possession of a firearm while committing the crime comes as no surprise. He struck me as a man that doesn’t want or intend to work.

    The entire time they were in Washington State, he never found a job, and they never enrolled their kids in school. They are simply incredibly dishonest and abusive people, and anyone that signs their non-MLS “listing” agreement is really making a huge mistake. I realize people want to save money on selling their home, but in the end, you get what you pay for; as many of you are now learning firsthand.
  • Comment: by Claimant On: 06-07-2014
  • I do NOT agree with responding party.
  • Comment: by Claimant On: 06-07-2014
  • Thank you for your lengthy response. It confirms my claims of unprofessionalism. My name is Susan Kierbow. Phone 678 972 2604
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I am (not) alone, and I feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine...~ Goethe

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