Public Mediation

J.S. vs. Las Vegas Veterinary Referral Center

J. S. vs. Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center
8650 W Tropicana Ave Ste B-107, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89147-8181, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: 1 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 1729382
    • Amount Involved: N/A
    • Filed On: Apr 09, 2017
    • Posted On: Apr 20, 2017
    • Complaint(s):
      • Problem with a service
      • Overcharge or billing error
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"If you're looking for a money mill you found the right place. If you love your pet my advice, "stay away" they prey on your emotion then beet you over the head with overpriced services to save your beloved pet. I'd like to say the surgery was a complete success however his urinary tract is damaged and for the entire time he has been home has constantly leaked urine on my carpet, by the fifth day after surgery he refused to get up and wouldn't eat. I called the center only to find out the surgeon that did the surgery would not be available till the 12th. Not willing to torture my animal any further I had to bring him in to be seen by another surgeon. With great difficulty and help I made my way to the hospital, It was then I had the unpleasant pleasure of meeting Dr. Mason, he examined my service animal then made me feel the problem was my after care, "stating he suffered from an overfilled bladder" or possibly an infection. Dr Mason then tried to guilt me into leaving him there for an additional two days to give me a break.. I chose to take him home. At the counter in the waiting room It was then that I was presented a bill close to $900.00 for a service to to correct something they screwed up. I challenged the charge, It then turned into a face off with Mason in the waiting room. Rudely Mason loudly made the comment to me "after all money is no object" then closing with "He is the owner and I was not welcome there" as he walked off, my mission now is to get Max proper attention to correct his problem. Then I intend to contact like clients that were affected by his demeanor and hit Dr. Mason with a class action suite."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center Hide
  • May 15, 2017, Claiming party added:
  • As of 5/14 2017 Max no longer has use from the affected leg. Every day I look at him I'm reminded I made a decision out of emotion. After all I read the posts from other pet owners and took the chance. I based it on what my primary vet told me. Well after milking me for more than five years I guess I know where he is coming from. So where do real pet owners go without being taken advantage of? I will continue to expose this callus money mill and on the very next day after I lay Max to rest. I will then turn my total attention to the end of what I now tag Mason's Money Mill. A public apology, a porthole to enable change without costing the cost of money. Something beneath this so called smug little bastard named Dr. Mason, So publicly I'm letting you know Dr. Mason people deserve to know the real you and not the imposter your paid pr team represents your center to be. Make my day and take me to court, by then I should have a bunch of your proyer pet owners you damaged. One thing is for sure you would never say what you said to me that day in public.

What Claimant Wants Hide
What By When How Much
1. He walked away from an apology. Now it's class action time. May 29, 2018 N/A
Non-cash: 1 items
  • 0
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)

Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center. This claim will remain posted until resolved
Offer History
May 15, 2017
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center
Apr 09, 2017
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center
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  • Contributed Solution: by Gerry Goldstein On 05-09-2017
    I agree with Jessica's resolution. Its fair and appropriate. The only thing I'd add is to check the PeopleClaim mediator directory and invite a vet to review your claim as Peter suggests. They could probably guide you better on this case. More...
If you are a party to this claim, click here.
Is this a fair resolution?
  • Comment: by Bryan Morris (1088 points) — Consumer Tech
  • On: 04-23-2017
  • I couldn't come up with a more thorough and professional solution than Jessica L.

    However, the thing that hit me right in the gut was that (according to the claimant) the vet delayed surgery 9.5 hours because the credit card wouldn't go through without the right zip code. If this is true, that is really appalling and actually cruel.

    Both Jessica L and Peter F have suggested a review by a second vet and I 100% agree. I think you should bring up the question of the delayed surgery and whether that could have contributed to the post-surgery problems your dog suffered. I hope he's OK now.

  • 3
  • Contributed Solution: by Jessica Lothman On 04-21-2017
    The Clinic should apologize to the claimant privately, waive the post-surgery stay bill, and offer to correct the condition free of cost if, and only if, a second opinion verifies the surgery was flawed or should have remedied the initial surgery. More...
If you are a party to this claim, click here.
Is this a fair resolution?
  • Comment: by Peter Fotheringham Interested In Helping People; New To This Online System
  • On: 04-21-2017
  • It would be very useful for a neutral third-party veterinarian to have a look at this case and give an opinion. Things described by the claimant seem unreasonable and unprofessional.   
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