Public Mediation

Bill N vs. Maxx Male Labs P.O. Box6827, Scarborough, Me 04070

B. N. vs. Maxx Male Labs
United States
Amount Involved: $203.94
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I *purchased 6 bottle of Vericil Cream Component from a company called Male Maxx 165 Pleasant Ave.,South Portland, ME 04106. Invoice date 12/17/2016, Cust# 8693429, order#:57262833, shipper: RG1. The items received at Bill Nowling 4186 Spillman Dr., San Diego, CA 92105-5208 12/ ? /2016.
Per invoice packing list shows: Ship  lot#     Product                       QTY  B/O  Item#              Unit Price
                                               6     F01y6  Vericil Cream component  1    0   VRC6                 $199.95
                                                                                                       1    0   PS-VERICIL           $3.99
On invoice it stated: Thank you for your order. If you have any questions or wish to reorder please call
*1-888-589-1096' Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-3pm EST. Also on invoice it reads: After Calling for authorization,Please use the below label to assist in the return process:
* This is the ONLY number indicated on the invoice. I tried calling this number a number of time via cell phone and land line (on cell line always busy, land line recording says; your call did not go threw, please try again). This number were called from the State of Rhode Island and the same thing happen. When i FINALLY got another # to call(some time in early May) I told the person I talked to (who said she was a supperviser) that I called that 888 # several time to get a RMA# with NO success before the 90 days expired. She told me she called the # and got through to someone (I didn't belive her then and I still cannot get anyone on that number. I want a refund of my $203.94, because the product did not work for me and they keep saying the 90 days has expired both time I takled to someone there, first week in May and on 5/24/2017. "
Reply Have a similar problem?
  • 12-17-2016 — Purchase 6 bottle of Vericil Cream Component
Additional Communication Between Claimant and Maxx Male Labs Hide
  • May 26, 2017, () added:
  • Hello Mr. Nowling,
    I've reviewed your complaint, and see that you are a customer of ours. That said, I think you may have mistaken us with a different product. The product you mentioned in your complaint is not our product.

    Our product is an all natural supplement, not a cream. Either way, we have canceled any future orders. Please also note that the number for our product is on the bottle, as well as the packing slip.

  • May 29, 2017, Claiming party added:
  • I notice the # 800 962 9965 on the bottles of Vericil now, but when I Tried to get a RMA# TO COMPLY WITH MY INVOICE FOR $203.94. tHE INVOICE READ: AFTER CALLING, PLEASE USE THE LABLE BELOW TO ASSIST IN THE RETURN PROCESS. tHE only # ON THE INVOICE IS 1-888-589-1096 THAT i MENTION IN MY COMPLAINT. THE WORDING AT THE TOP OF THIS INVOICE IS: Packed by fulfillment Services on behalf of: MALE MAXX 165 Pleasant AVE, South Portland, Maine 04106. Invoice date 12/17/2016,cust#8693429 ,order#57262833, shipper: RG1. ON MY CREDIT CARD THE $203.94 CHARGED IS FOR MXM*TESTOMAXX 800-993-4553 NJ.

  • May 31, 2017, () added:
  • Bill,
    My apologies, but this is not us. We don't have that billing descriptor, or the phone number you are referencing. We also don't sell a product called Vericil. Please advise.

  • May 31, 2017, () added:
  • Bill,
    My apologies, but this is not us. We don't have that billing descriptor, or the phone number you are referencing. We also don't sell a product called Vericil. Please advise.

  • Jun 05, 2017, Claiming party added:
  • Please send me your fax number and I will send you a copy of the invoice with all the information I told you was on it.

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Refund: $203.94 Jun 14, 2017 $203.94
2. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Jun 14, 2017 $14.99
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Maxx Male Labs to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
Cash total : $218.93
  • 0
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)

Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Maxx Male Labs. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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