Public Mediation

R.M. vs. Perry Lincoln Mercury Mazda

R. M. vs. Perry Lincoln Mercury Mazda
440 Hitchcock Way, Santa Barbara, California, 93105-4004, United States
    • Claimant Seeks: 1 non-monetary items.
    • Claim #: 2783938
    • Amount Involved: 2,400.00
    • Filed On: Nov 27, 2022
    • Posted On: Dec 08, 2022
    • Complaint(s):
      • Problem with a service
      • "I just feel ripped off."
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"In May 2022, I took my car in to have the air conditioning evaluated as it had not worked for 2 years. Perry Mazda said if I got the a.c. evaporator replaced that would solve it.. it was expensive- and cost a little more than $2000 plus I had to rent a car for several days costing me over $200 so I could leave the car there for when the parts arrived, per service man's advice. I was so happy in anticipation of having the problem be resolved.

It worked perfectly for 2 months, and then only warm air began to blow out. I took it into Perry Mazda again and apparently they put freon in, and it worked great for 3 weeks. Then it again began blowing warm air. I left it for 3 days per different service man's advice.. he said they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it and to bring it back again and leave the car for a few days (had to rent a car each time) so they could figure it out.

I did this twice and then I felt like, why do I have to pay for a rental each time and they can't figure it out? So I went to another place and told the mechanic there and he said if he were me he'd go back and tell Perry Mazda to give me my money back if they can't resolve it because he said it's automatically guaranteed for one year. I also watched on Youtube about it and a mechanic said he uses an a.c. sniffer tool to find out where the leak is and a mechanic shop should carry the best a.c. sniffers as they can afford to buy the most expensive ones.

I have not returned yet to Perry Mazda as I have to rent a car and it's starting to feel like I'm wasting more time and money on them. I would like to get this resolved or get my money back so I can go somewhere more competent if they can't do it."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Perry Lincoln Mercury Mazda Hide
  • Dec 07, 2022, Claiming party added:
  • I could try bringing the car there either this afternoon or Friday afternoon if you can get me a rental car. The only problem is i am wondering what happens if you are not able to find the leak or fix it? I truly did come there 3 times after the evaporator was installed- the two times after g mthey temporarily seemed to have fixed it i was not given any paperwork when i left it there for a few days each time.

  • May 13, 2023, Claiming party added:
  • The Bureau of Automotive Repair stepped in to help resolve this. After they spoke with me the complaint was quickly resolved- Perry Mazda of Santa Barbara gave me first class treatment- got me in quickly- rented me a car they paid for- installed for free, a free (I believe it was a) condenser that they said usually cost $500- did it in a day’s time. Thank you Mr. Rangel of BAR!

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Refund: AC evaporator/ car rental costs Dec 12, 2022 $2,400.00
2. Other – Copy claim to regulators Dec 12, 2022 $9.99
Cash total : $2,409.99
  • 0
Do you agree with the claimant’s demands?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
Message from Perry Lincoln Mercury Mazda: We repaired the a/c on 4/26/22 on 9/1/22 you returned stating "a/c blows warm" found a small leak from a pinched o-ring, we replaced the o-ring and recharged system at NO cost to you. Have not seen the vehicle since.
All repairs come with a 24mo/24k warranty, I apologize for the inconvenience and would like to offer a FREE rental car, to address the a/c concern as soon as possible. Sincerely, Dan Podratz, Perry Ford/Mazda
What By When How Much
1. free a/c diag and repair Dec 08, 2022 N/A
Non-cash: 1 items
  • 0
Do you agree with the respondent’s Response?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
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