Public Mediation

precision collision-Dispute-#3914750

P. K. vs. Mr. Bobby Dennis
2490 Old Hwy. 25 E, Morristown, Tennessee, 37813, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
      (seeking public comment)
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 3914750
    • Amount Involved: 2,100.00
    • Filed On: Feb 22, 2012
    • Posted On: Mar 04, 2012
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • Problem with a service
      • Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"bobby dennis owner and operator of precision collision is a crook! in april 2011, we had a horrible hailstorm which done several thousand dollars to our family car. after working with our insurance company, we received a check to get our car fixed. we talked to several body shops and all were covered up with hail damaged cars and said it would be several weeks before getting my car in. then we meet bobby dennis. he came out onto the lot to do an estimate on our car and seemed professional and polite. he explained in detail how the process would go and told us that all new parts would be used to repair our car. this meant a new hood, roof, and trunk lid. he promised that he would not fill all the dents with body filler and paint over it, claiming that this was a common practice among other less reputable body shops, that his methods are what set him apart from the others. he said that as soon as we could get a rental we could drop our car off and would have it back in a week to 10 days. after a little searching we found a rental and our insurance company agreed to pay for 30 days use. after about 2 weeks not hearing anything about our car, we went by his shop and our car hadn't even been started on. i am starting to get concerned because i don't have extra money for a rental. so we call bobby and he says that he is a little a little behind and anything over 30 days he would pay the balance. it seemed odd that we were talking about time over 30 days when he told me that it would only a take week to 10 days. at the end of our rental agreement, we immediately called bobby and were informed that he still hadn't started on our car and again was assured that ours was next and he would pick up the tab on any overage on the rental. two weeks later we had been charged for the overage on our debit card. when we called the rental company, they said that they had to charge sombody because bobby dennis was known for leaving them hanging on the bill for going over days. he paid us back for that but this behavior just sets the stage for what was to come. after almost 2 more weeks we finally get a call saying our car was ready and we could come pick it up. we were very exited to be getting our car back, so we rushed to the body shop to pick it up. upon first glance, the car looked fantastic! but our car is white and he pulled into the direct sunlight which very much camoflauges any imperfections. we did notice a few bugs in the paint and alot of overspray, fisheyes, and bubbles in the paint. when we pointed this out he told us to make a list of all the things that are wrong with the car and he would have us in after the paint cures to wetsand and repair any problems. he told us that by the end of summer we would be able to have all this wrapped up. that would be august 2011 it is now february 2012 and still nothing. upon time to pay for these so called services his original price of $5700 had somehow changed to $6300. he followed us to our bank to receive a cashiers check for payment and we parked in the shade. u can see every dent in the car!!!! this means that not one piece was ever changed out on our car. bobby dennis had done all the low-life, shoddy things he promised he would not do. he told us that he wanted to make us happy and would make it right, never able to explain why we were lied to or treated the way we were. we have called and dropped in unexpectadely always with the same result...promises promises! which are more like lies and more lies. we have since contacted an attorney and to our surprise, this attorney had already won judgement for another victim of bobby's for $9700. but that was nothing more than a piece of paper because they hadn't received a dime from bobby dennis. i simply cannot afford to retain the services of an attorney to see no results. i don't understand why there aren't more rights for the consumer. if the shoe were on the other foot, and i decided not to make payment for services, he would have simply put a mechanics lein on our car...american justice!"
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What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Recovery of Losses: for gas driving to body shop Mar 08, 2012 $300.00
2. Refund: new parts promised but never received Mar 08, 2012 $1,500.00
3. Pay me for my time: 20 @$15/hr for time spent Mar 08, 2012 $300.00
4. Other – Physical delivery charges Mar 08, 2012 $2.99
Cash total : $2,102.99
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Mr. bobby dennis. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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