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Claimant's opinion: Terrible communication with clients and between co-workers. Inconsistent communication. Failure to return calls on multiple occasions. All items were re-taped and even non breakable items were wrapped in pads that lead to an increase in volume. Charged for tape rolls and supplies that were not completely used up.
Claimant's opinion: Storage fees and re-delivery fees as described above
Claimant's opinion: Failure to return calls when told would be calling back and did not return voice mails.
Return All personal property immediatly and all money paid this company is horrible ! 11/09/2016
I ordered a moving company called Public Moving and Storage. I wentthrough all the reviews on their webpage most of them were pretty good reviews.I spoke with Andrew. Very nice guy, very pleasant to speak with. Andrew said he'd be with me every stepof the way and that was the first of many, many lies that would come to follow.Andrew told me they were with the BBBwhich I now find out they are not.
All of my questions were answered. Onequestion I definitely asked was I don't have a delivery address, how I will Iget my items delivered? Andrew toldme to call when I have an address to be delivered to. On the contract, they hadto have a city to deliver to so I only put Olympia Washington. We set it up sothat I would call on December 28th. The pickup from the originaldestination (Brattleboro, Vt.) was on November 28th that would have given me 30days storage. It would also give me 10 to 12 days for the delivery from Vermontto Washington that way no storage was needed. This was going to work outperfect; or so I thought.
I was tight on money and I knew thatI would be getting money after the 1st of January; so the 10 to 12 days forshipment across country it would put it into the second week of January thiswould be ideal. 12/20/2016
I received a call from Emma Ritchie from Public Moving &Storage dispatch Center, she told me the truck was on its way. It was inCalifornia and would be in Washington on the 28th. I let her knowthat this was not acceptable. I was supposed to call and set up a date fordelivery. She said “yeah I’ll try to stop the truck and I’ll call you back” Ireceived no call back… 12/28/2016
The truck driver called said he is in Olympia. He needed a deliveryaddress and make sure I had cash or money order. I said no, I can’t takedelivery until after the 1st of Jan.
I have no money, you were not supposed todeliver until I called to set up delivery date. I got on the phone with Emma Ritchie, she told me it's on theway you'll have to put it in storage. After much discussion about how much morewas intended to be charged. I finally agreed to have it put into storage. Afterwiring the money to the bank and paying wiring fees and having to wait another4 days for clearance. I find out my property is in the Olympia airport storageunit. I drive 25 miles one way only to find out that the stuff that was deliveredwas not mine. I called Emma back. Iexplained that the property was not mine, she explained she would located myproperty and have it sent out in a couple days. 1/11/2017
I had to give the key back to the storage unitwhile I was there I looked into the unit and got a number off of one of theboxes that was in there, (AB2680) I thencalled Emma back and give her thatnumber. She said that was able to help her track down whose property was in thestorage unit. Emma said I'll get backto you as soon as I find out where your property is. I never heard back fromher. 1/13/2017
They finally told me that my stuff was stillin Connecticut. I was to give them 3 days and then she would shoot my stuff outon the 16th or 17th of January. I called every day find out if my stuff hasbeen shipped. 1/18/2017
I called Jeff Rios talked to dispatch, no news, trying to get a truck ready.I also called customer service asked about the money return for storage unit.Waiting on accounting, they said. I tried getting ahold of general manager. Faith Ashford, basically begging for herto help me. I left a voice mail message, to no avail. I’ve tried getting ahold of the owner, to no avail.
I called Emma left message; called Faithleft message.
I called again, no informationavailable.
I called again no informationavailable.
I called back PM&S and I talk to Ellie, Ellie says that they're not sure when they're going to send mystuff out. She told me she would send me a check for $662, $500 and that willbe a discount for the delay and $162 will have to be a repayment at thedelivery of my property. I did get my$105 refund check for the storage unit. But again I had to call and ask forthat twice. But not the wire fee or the mileage of 100 miles I had to put in togo to storage unit. I wouldn’t have had to travel had Public Moving &Storage followed the contract made in the beginning. 1/31/17
I am beyond frustrated at this point I am heartbroken I feelI have lost all of my property. My property is all personal items, nofurniture. Pictures, adoption papers, biological mother’s letters andmemorabilia, kids Knick knacks, nothing with monetary value but it’s all I haveleft. I called Jeff in claims toldhim I wanted to put in a claim on my missing property. He wouldn’t let me,because my property hadn’t been delivered yet; but I believed it was lostforever. 2/1/2017
I have tried to file police report with Olympia police toldme to call DOT (already did). 2/7/2017
I thought about it and thought that maybe if Ihad them send my property to Hinsdale, New Hampshire to where my brother livesa whole 5 miles from the original pick up destination it will be a whole lotcloser than going all the way across the country to Washington maybe they wouldbe able to do it quicker. I called and asked Emma if I change the destination of delivery to Hinsdale, NewHampshire would that make anything quicker and she told me they could delivermy stuff. 2/10/2017
Called Emma just checking in …Was told I would get a call on Sunday the12th of February and my property would be delivered on the 13th of February. Whichin turn doesn't help me in Washington because I still don't have anything outhere. The only bright side I can see on this is I have my property back if it gets delivered on Mondayto my brother's house. No one called from Pm&S on Sunday and no one came todeliver on Monday.
Just received a call from Emma, thetruck driver will arrive tomorrow 2/14/2017 between 12- 2. 2/13/2017
I called the airport storage just tosee if possibly PM&S had picked up the unit full of other people’s property,they have not and won’t answer her phone calls. Donna is sending them acertified letter today.
I received my delivery 2 pm. all myproperty is there and it’s not smashed up thank god (although it smells likeanimal urine). I cried for an hour, whata relief. Not that there was a lot to be broken its mostly personal things inthere. Everything I own right now is all personal that cannot be replaced. 2/15/2017
Donna fromstorage unit called today to tell me the public moving and storage had come andpicked up the property that they had left. One day after they dropped my property off in Hinsdale NH. They pick upthe stuff in Washington. So they could have given me a date, a week ago thatthey could have dropped off my property to me in Washington. Now I have to hireanother company to move my property to Washington, but I don’t trust anyone. Ihave been living out of 1 suit case for me and 1 suitcase for a 12 year oldsince December. I expected 1 month not 2 ½ months till delivery and now tillwho knows when. I have to save up another $3000.00 dollars after losing$2710.00 including wiring fees to this company. Your 100% satisfaction is our success - well that motto does not hold truein any sense.
My brother sent me the bill of ladingthat he received with my property. It is Kay F. although none of her propertywas delivered to my brother’s house. I also received a refund check that wassent to my Brothers house in Hinsdale from PM&S for $662.00 for delay inshipment. 2/28/2017
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