Public Mediation

Sleek Medspa-Dispute-#2112225

Ma vs. Sleek Medspa
United States
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"I was refered to Sleek Medspa and Doctor Jeffrey LaGrasso from the Sleek MedSpa location in Boca Raton. I met with Jessica Davis at the Hollywood surgical center and then she introduced me to Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso. After meeting with Dr. LaGrasso and hearing of his techniques and experiences in the field I decided to trust him to preform my first surgery in April of 2010. That surgery went well. I then decided to trust him and Sleek medspa with a much more invasive surgery... a breast lift and implant. Dr. LaGrasso assured my husband and myself that he was confident that he could achieve the results I wanted and that all would go well. We decided to move forward with my surgery. I went in for Surgery around November 2011. The surgery seemed to go well at first. On day three I was experiencing a lot of pain and puss around my bandages. I went to Hollywood and saw the doctor and he said I must be experiencing an allergy to the adhesive in the tape. I also noticed that my areolas were much differently shaped. Dr. LaGrasso assured me that all would be fine once I healed. After 3 months of waiting to heal I was not only left with 3/4 inch wide vertical scars on each breast, but I also still had very uneven egg shaped areolas and my right breast sat approximately 2.5 inches higher than my left. After going round and round with the staff and with Dr. LaGrasso, they decided to redo my surgery to correct the few issues that I had. I was however responsible for the fee of anesthesia again ($600) I went back in for a correction in May 2012. Dr. LaGrasso now added a secondary scar below each of my breasts (aprox. 4inches on under each). I was hopefully that all had been resolved this time... however I soon found out that it was not. As I sit here today my surgery is even more botched than before. I now have additional scars and I still have very uneven breasts. After a few moths I went back to Dr. LaGrasso and Sleek Medspa and sat with Jessica and my husband. I showed them my breasts and Dr. LaGrasso agreed that the surgery still wasn’t correct. He claimed I needed an additional. I asked him to refer me to another surgeon for a second opinion of what needed to be done to correct it. He refered me to Dr. Mark Pinsky, in Palm Beach Gardens, FL - Closer to my home. I went to Dr. Pinsky, paid the $50 office visit fee and showed him my horror. Needless to say he obviously told me I need yet another surgery to correct what Dr. LaGrasso attempted to do twice. Dr. Pinsky told me a lot about the unnecessary scars that Dr. LaGrasso had created on me and he also explained what was wrong as he photoed my breasts. He then showed me how completely off both of my breasts are in a computer program, my nipples arent centered, they are two different shapes, they should’ve been made smaller, I have major scaring and most importantly my right breast is 1.5 inches higher than my left and floats around whenever I lay down causing me a huge discomfort. Dr. Pinsky priced my corrective surgery at nearly $7000.00.
After all of this I tried to reach Sleek MedSpa at least 100 times. I left messages for both Jessica Davis and Dr. Lagrasso. All which were never ever returned. After 45 days of unsuccessfully reaching someone there I finally reached Jessica by luck of her answering the phone. She proceeded to tell me that Sleek Medspa (Owner Andrew Rudnick) was no more and Dr. LaGrasso was no longer with them and that I should call his cell phone. I called his cell phone 2x and on the second message he called me back and told me he wasnt with Sleek MedSpa (Andrew Rudnick) because they werent paying him and that he had spoken with Dr. Pinsky regarding my breasts and he told me he would like to be present during surgery (he called it "scrub-in".) I told him that I just wanted my money back to have it fixed. He told me that I needed to reach Sleek. Supposedly Sleek is no more....I found Andrew Rudnick’s name online and left him a voicemail at Sleeks headquarters in Boca Raton. I still as of yet have not heard back. I was just married on 10/19/12 and my uneven breasts are even visible in my wedding photos. Im scared beyond belief and no one wants to assume responsibility and refund my money and/or pay for my new surgery.
I am now in the process of filing complaints with the board of professional regulations as well as filing a complaint to the medial board in regards to Dr. LaGrasso. I have also contacted HelpmeHoward. I will continue to contact every single media outlet until this is resolved. I am still trying to reach Andrew Rudnick to date… he seems to have many different business all active with SunBiz… his businesses are: Cosmetic Surgery Management, COSMETIC SURGERY MARKETING, LLC, SOCIETY OF YOUNG JEWISH PROFESSIONALS INCORPORATED."
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What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Compensation: Two Weeks off of work Dec 19, 2012 $2,200.00
2. Refund: Both the first Surgery and Second surgery to correct the first ...(that did not work) Dec 19, 2012 $7,135.00
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Sleek Medspa to make a fair offer to resolve this complaint.
Cash total : $9,335.00
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Sleek Medspa. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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