Public Mediation

The Ticktin Law Group Dispute

D. D. vs. Cindy Richards
600 W Hillsboro Blvd, Suite 220, Deerfield Beach, Florida, 33441, United States
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
    • View response from: Cindy Richards
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 1040018
    • Amount Involved: 167,000.00
    • Filed On: Jan 25, 2014
    • Posted On: Feb 05, 2014
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • Overcharge or billing error
      • Customer service runarounds
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"Went to law firm Feb 2009 to resolve payment issues with Bank of America. Bank of America contacted law firm to resolve problemNov 2009 and law firm never told me of this action. Instead they continued to let my mortgage go into serious default and continued to take my monthly payments up to June 2013."
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Cindy Richards Hide
  • Feb 16, 2014, Claiming party added:
  • They keep saying I was in foreclosure when I hired their law firm is a lie. The attorney I first met with was very happy to take my case BECAUSE I WAS NOT in foreclouse at the time we met. He said most people come after they have already been served with foreclosure papers. Since I was not he felt we had a good case to have the bank listen & work with us to resolve the payment issues to keep the home from going into foreclosure. They advised me to stop making my payments in order to get the bank to want to resolve the issue in a timely matter. They were notified by the bank Nov 2009 to resolve the issue and ignored the request WITHOUT notifying me. They say they were actively in communication by e-mails of which I never received or given copies of. I did send an e-mail to Atty Cindy Richards for a 120 day wavier to consent. It in NO way was expained to me that I was allowing and choosing a sale date of my home since the word SALE was NEVER spoken or said. Yes I remain in my home BUT it was only because I hired a new law firm (and had to pay) to step in and take Bank of America to court for an extension of the sale date. This is NOT resolved by no means with the bank. I still have a foreclosure action against me for the 2nd mortgage that Ticktin never had included when working on my case. I stand by my feelings of being ripped off by this firm because I would NOT be indebted to the bank for all the time from Nov 2009 to Oct 2013 since the law firm never allowd the case to be resolved when notfied by the bank Nov 2009. As far as the firm being shocked to here of my dismay over how my case was handled is also a lie, because Atty Cindy Richards and I spoke of how unhappy I was with how everything was being handled. If I was happy I would not have taken up my time to contact The Florida Bar Assoc., The Attorney State General Office, The BBB, the media or hired someone to make a case and have it sent to the Supreme Court.

  • Mar 25, 2014, Cindy Richards (responding party) added:
  • It appears from Ms. Doindis response on February 16th, that she now freely admits that she remains in the home, although she continues to maintain her position that she was not in default at the time she met with our firm. Her case is public record, and the documents speak for themselves. Ms. Diondis is aware that her other complaints to the likes such as the BBB have been closed in the Law Firm's favor.

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Recovery of Losses: amount that i owe to the bank Feb 28, 2014 $144,000.00
2. Refund: amount paid from 11/09 to 06/13 & from report never made Feb 09, 2014 $23,000.00
3. Other – Copy claim to regulators Feb 09, 2014 $14.99
4. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Feb 09, 2014 $7.99
5. Other – Physical delivery charges Feb 09, 2014 $5.98
Cash total : $167,028.96
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
The claimant's settlement terms were rejected with the following explanation:
  • I disagree with the explanation / grounds provided

    "Thank you so much for the opportunity to respond, we never like hearing about unhappy clients. We have attempted to work with Ms. Doinidis in the past to resolve some of her outstanding issues including having sent her the entire file, which we had on her case.
    As Ms. Doinidis is aware, at the time she retained our services she was already two months behind in her payments and hired our firm to defend the forthcoming foreclosure action. We are a litigation firm, our retainer agreement was clear that we were retained to defend against a foreclosure action. As part of the litigation process, there were ongoing negotiations for settlement including the possibility of modification. In fact, throughout the litigation process our attorneys diligently worked with Ms. Doinidis for a possible modification. There are a number of emails and other documents, which reflect the work that our attorneys did to settle this matter. However Ms. Doinidis did not hire our firm for the sole purpose to resolve "payment issues" with the Bank of America. Ms. Doindis was in foreclosure with the bank for failing to pay her mortgage. As attorneys, if we were to ignore the necessary foreclosure defense and only pursue a modification, we would be putting our clients in a much more vulnerable position to lose their home.
    Moreover, what makes our services unique and affordable is that we offer a low flat fee monthly payment for our foreclosure defense cases. This means that regardless of the amount of hours one of our attorneys puts in a case, our client is only charged the low monthly fee. The retainer is in essence part contingency wherein we can only seek the remaining balance of our fees once we win the case.
    Ms. Doinidis retained our services in March of 2009, and made flat fee monthly payments of $500.00 per month. Due to the defenses and other legal arguments made by our attorneys Ms. Doinidis foreclosure case lasted over four years, and as of the latest filing the sale on the property was canceled and Ms. Doinidis remains in possession of her property. By fighting this case Ms. Doinidis remained in her home and maintained the roof over her head for over 5 years a greatly reduced price in comparison to what she was paying on her mortgage. While we do not always succeed in beating the bank in the foreclosure proceedings, many of our clients appreciate that additional time they are able to stay in their home and the money they are able to save while we are fighting for them.
    We were honestly surprised by Ms. Doinidis assertion that The Ticktin Law Group “contacted the law firm to resolve the problem in Nov. 2009 and the law firm never told me of this action,” as she herself was in active communication with our attorneys throuout the process, and she even agreed in writing to a consent judgment with a 120 sale date. A time frame which Ms. Doinidis specifically agreed to in an email to her attorney Ms. Richards on June 10, 2013.
    It was not until after the consent judgment that Ms. Doinidis first voiced any form of complaint or concern to our firm. As stated more fully above we strive to keep open lines of communication with our clients, we offer low costs alternatives to the traditional billable time payment structure, and we defend our cases with vigor.


This claim will remain posted until resolved.

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