Public Mediation

Willard's Small Engines Dispute

A. B. vs. Willard's Small Engines
324 Hwy 15 South, Pontotoc, 38863, United States
Amount Involved: $10.96
    • Status: In Negotiation
      This claim has posted for public comment and negotiation. It will remain posted until resolved to the claimant's satisfaction. Suggest a resolution to help these parties reach a settlement.
    • View response from: Willard's Small Engines
    • Claimant Seeks: View.
    • Claim #: 8375152
    • Amount Involved: 10.96
    • Filed On: Feb 02, 2014
    • Posted On: Feb 13, 2014
    • Complaint(s):
      • Bad business practices
      • "I just feel ripped off."
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"The item doesn't match the seller's description on Dec 28, 2013.
Seller's message:
"I know for a fact that these were made with in the last month and a half and there is no way that it is dry rotted. Please attach images of the part to show what you are talking about. "
Your message to the seller:
"it's broken and can not be used and I would like to return it."
Seller's message:
"We did not send you a broken part. I would like for you to show me a pic of it being dry rotted and cracked. But now you are saying broken so I am not sure what the problem is. Please just send a image."
Your message to the seller:
"I don't know how to do that. "
Seller's message:
"This is a part that I know has just been made and there is no way that it has dry rot or cracks. And since it is thick rubber I do not see how it can be broke. If you want a refund for the part and can not send a image you will need to return it to us so we can see what is wrong with it. "
Your message to the seller:
"I can do that. the item is broken and I can not use it. I would like to send it back and get one that is not broken."
Seller's message:
"What do you mean by broken? "
Your message to the seller:
"Why is it that your rubber part is broken and I have my part that is not broken but worn out. I needed a part that is new and in good working order"
Seller's message:
"You can not even tare this appart it is such thick rubber. It would have to be cut to be broken. You have stated dry rot, cracked, and now broken..which is it? It is a very simple question I am asking. If it is broken as you have stated in the last couple of messages, how is it broken??"
Your message to the seller:
"I got this package in the mail Monday and I said that was fast shipping thank you for that. and I was happy then I opened the package and I looked and it is broken. I was sad. I was needing a part for my outboard motor. and I see that you had one listed I wanted to buy this item from you. but you can understand that I need a working part or it will not work. Thanks Andy "
Seller's message:
"Once again sir, please tell me how is it broken? Is it torn in half? Is there damage to it? How is it broken? The word broken does not tell me anything as to how a rubber part that is such thick hard rubber is broken. And why are you not saying dry rotted any more? "
Your message to the seller:
"Broken means: Is not functioning properly ; out of working order. "
Seller's message:
"Well if that is all youi are going to say about it you can return it and we will decide if a refund is due or if the part was used and then broken. Other than being cut with a knife or installed and messed up, there is no way it can be broken. It is about like saying a 1/2" piece of steel is just broken. "
Your message to the seller:
"Yes sir I'm saying dry rotting it was crumbled wean I got it in the mail. "
Your message to the seller:
"I would like a refund or replacement "
Seller's message:
"Sir I am not just going to refund you or send you another when you have went from stating that it was dry rotted to broken and will not tell me how it is broken. Like I stated since you can not send me a image and what you are stating is wrong with the part does not make sense you will have to return the part for us to determin what needs to be done. "
Your message to the seller:
" I would like to use it if it was in working order but I can't use it. it is broken. it is so bad workman ship that this part is wortless to me."
Your message to the seller:
"I would like a new part in working order, or a replacement that is in working order."
Seller's message:
"Ok so now, we have went from dry rotted to broken and now you are saying bad workmanship...return the part in the condition we shipped it in and we will gladly refund you."

Your message to the seller:
"It's going in the mail today. hope you get it soon."

Your message to the seller:
"USPS Tracking # 9114 9012 3080 1119 0852 16 "
Seller's message:
Seller's message:
"The parts that you destroyed came in today. There is clearly no dry rot only signs that you cut it apart as there is no way that it can be in this many pieces without being intentionally done. I am going to refund you because I do not feel like going through the hassle of fighting this with ebay.""
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Additional Communication Between Claimant and Willard's Small Engines Hide
  • Feb 04, 2014, Claiming party added:
  • Why did you not ship me a new part

    You will refund me sipping cost or a replacement of Part.

    On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:07 PM
    2.97 shipping cost to mail it back to you and that stuff was broken.

    On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:04 PM
    I want a refund on my shipping.

  • Feb 04, 2014, Claiming party added:
  • It is clear that your not having good business practice you owe me 2.97 shipping cost plus 7.99 filing fees = 10.96 USD

What Claimant Wants Hide
1. Shipping Cost to return the item Plus filing fees Feb 17, 2014 $10.96
Cash total : $10.96
  • 0
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Respondent's Counteroffer Hide
The claimant's settlement terms were rejected with the following explanation:
  • I disagree with the explanation / grounds provided

    "Why did you not add the first message you sent me when you filed the ebay dispute "The item is broken dry rotten cracked will not work." You returned a part that was in many pieces, you would not send a image and tried to tell us it was dry rotted and cracked then decided to change what was wrong and state it was broke. You were refunded through ebay/paypal for the amount of the item and the shipping you paid to get it to you. I wil not refund you a cent more after you cut/tore this part into pieces and returned it. And as for this bull shit site, I will sue them if they post this when you sre stating to them that I owe you $10.96 that is clearly a lie as you were refunded through paypal weeks ago."

This claim will remain posted until resolved.

  • 0
Do you agree with the respondent’s Response?  (If you are a party to this claim, click here.)
Offer History
Feb 02, 2014
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Willard's Small Engines
Feb 02, 2014
Claimant's Terms of Settlement to Willard's Small Engines
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