Public Mediation

Gene Kelly vs. Xlibris Press

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G. K. vs. Xlibris Press - Author Solutions
1663 S Liberty Dr, Bloomington, Indiana, 47403-5161, United States
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Statement of Claim
Claimant says:
"This began when a Mr Rex Neri started calling me in Feb 2018 from Xlibris Publishing to publish my book ‘Shepherd’s Horizons’ with Xlibris. I had my concerns about a few things, especially the editing and Mr. Neri assured me that the editing would be done correctly. The earliest e-mail that I have from him is from 13 Mar 2018. I went ahead and did this on 22 Mar 2018 by sending him the manuscript and paying for part of the cost at this time (which I thought was unusual, but I went on). ‘Shepherd’s Horizons’ was found to be worthy of publishing and the work continued. The contract was signed this day.

On 4 Jul 2018 I was sent by e-mail a PDF copy of the interior that was full of mistakes that I needed to correct, but I could do nothing with a PDF file. I made this known that this would takes me weeks to correct and that there had to be a better way. Sometime before the 13th I was called by Cathy Nicholson that Xlibris would sent me a copy of the book so I could make the corrections directly on the book and then send that back to them. However, I had to accept the cover design and the books pricing (which I did not think I had any control off anyway) and the interior of the book. I stated that I did not believe I could do that as no corrections had been made yet. It was explained to me that this was the only way that Xlibris would send me the book to correct. So if this were to get done I had to accept this, still I had my reservations but I did this.

After a couple of weeks I wondered why the books had not arrived and my calls to Xlibris did nothing to help. By 6 Aug 2018, the books have not arrived and again I was wondering why. By 22 Aug 2018 and my call to Xlibris was that I was responsible, where UPS had not left any messages that they were here and they were returned. If I had known I surely would have picked them up. Then on 28 Aug 2018 the books (a hardback copy and a softback copy) had arrived and I began making the corrections. On 5 Sep 2018, I had made 741 corrections and sent the books back. (741 corrections to have to make is and absurd amount and I was beginning to think that Xlibris was not as good as publisher as I had believed that they were, especially after Mr. Neri had assured me they would be).

The books arrived at Xlibris at 9:44 am 7 Sep 2018. I had called and e-mailed them often and the books I had sent them could not be found. On 26 Sep 2018 the books have still not been found, I sent them the USPS tracking number. On 28 Sep 2018 the books were found at their mailroom at Xlibris headquarters, ‘Shepherd’s Horizons’ was lost in their mailroom for a month. Then I was told that it would be another 4 weeks before they could be delivered for the corrections to be made. I did not understand what the further delay could be for and was not provided with an answer at this time. On 29 Dec I was told by Cathy Nicholson that the Bloomington Office for Xlibris receives authors files and then sends them in bulk to the Philippines. I was stunned by this, no-one had ever told me this. (If I had known this before I ever submitted my manuscript to Xlibris, I would have never done so).

I do not know exactly when these books reached the Philippines, but they were there by 15 Oct 2018 and my biggest concern now was that all 741 corrections would be made, but I was promised again by Cathy Nicholson that all 741 corrections would be made. This time I had to wait until the books were released to know for sure.

By 5 Dec the books had arrived and I began reading one of them and found 136 corrections that were not made, as I feared they would be. I called Xlibris about this and was told that I had already signed off on the interior and any further corrections would cost me $295 more. I was not happy with this and I could not afford to make the corrections. By now the frustration that I felt towards Xlibris was just beyond belief that any “so called” reputable publisher could be this bad.

To top things off I learned from other publishers had informed me the Google Display Network was not properly done and the Web page has not been completed. It seems that whenever I complained to Xlibris I was given or had new people assigned that had no idea of what has happened or what was going on and each had a new great deal for me for far more money than I had and by this time I don’t think I would have paid it if I had the money. Although it has not sold well, it has sold some and I have not received a dime from Xlibris, nor has anyone mentioned any of this to me. Any questions I have asked have been ignored completely and whenever someone tries to do anything about the complaints I have are removed and I am given new people.

‘Shepherd’s Horizons’s’ won the Pacific Book Review award for the best Science Fiction novel of 2019. Xlibris did not know this until I told them and to put this award on the cover of the book I would have to pay them to edit the cover. The reviews I have received are excellent, beyond belief as how good they are and yet Xlibris does not care, all they want is more money from me. Then there was a Hollywood Assessment done at it was recommended, then Xlibris called me with great news about this and for this to happen I would have to pay them $20,000.

Great news for who? When I told them that I did not have any money to pay them and that if I did, I would not pay this. They continued to call me about every 10 days to two weeks to get this going for less money each time and when I told them that they were greedy and the worst publisher on the face of planet Earth is when they quit calling me or doing anything at all.

As of now (and for quite some time, a year and a half to two years) I consider Xlibris to be the worst publisher on the face of planet Earth and I have told them so, more than once."
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What Claimant Wants Hide
Just make me happy!
Claimant invites Xlibris Press - Author Solutions to make a fair offer.
1. Other – Copy claim to regulators Feb 22, 2022 $14.99
2. Other – Pay for claim posting cost Feb 22, 2022 $14.99
Cash total : TBD
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Respondent's Counteroffer

There has been no response to this claim from Xlibris Press - Author Solutions. This claim will remain posted until resolved
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