Complaint History & Business Rating for ALL RV REPAIR SERVICE

537 W Grant Rd, Tucson, Arizona, 85705-5420, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Shirley F.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-Feb-2016
Shirley F. says: ALL RV ripped us off big time, they had our camper for 4 days, when we picked our unit up, the ba6throom & living room area was flooded to to a heavy 2 day rain. We ask ALL RV to installed 2 new roof vents ASAP since they were broken. ALL RV did not do this. We had 8 inches of rain water in a waste basket that we had in our bathroom. They put on 118 miles on our camper in the time they had it A little much for a test run, don't you think? . We also had a full tank of gas when we dropped off our unit. When we picked it up, we only had one fourth of a tank of gas. When these problems were brought up to Bobi, she told us she didn't know what happened, but offered us a $20 in-store credit for their mistakes. I told her she owed us much more than that. ALL RV is very sneaky the way they do business, hard to believe they have been in business as long as they have. Just want to warn people that ALL RV will empty your wallet and do a poor job at fixing your RV. They charged us over one thousand dollars on top of everything else.
If you want to save money and have your RV repaired properly, take your unit to anyone else in town. ALL RV is a big rip off. I would give them a minus 10 rating, but had to show something to continue my complaint.
Carl & Shirley Fuller
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ALL RV REPAIR SERVICE’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    All Rv Repair Service

    • Bad business practices
    Claimant says:We took our used RV to ALL RV on 1-4-16, we had two busted roof vents and it was backfiring. We were told they could get us in right away. It started to rain when we got there & I reminded them about the busted roof vents. After 3 days, they called & said our Rv didn't pass emissions, but for an additional $240.00 they could force it through. We ha...

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