Attorneys Naveed Karbassyoon, Rita Schmitt and Karly Tambara of Wai & Connor, LLP and Mullen & Filippi, LLP’s Complaint History (1):
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Claimant says:<p>Attorneys Naveed Karbassyoon, Rita Schmitt, Karly Tambara of the Law Firms Wai & Connor, LLP, Mullen & Llippi, LLP, hired me as a Qualified Medical Examiner to work for the firm and refused to pay. This involved two Workers' Comp cases in Orange County Silva and Guzman claims C345C6317817, C345C6317696, September 2016.</p>
<p>Work performed on t...
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Attorneys Naveed Karbassyoon, Rita Schmitt and Karly Tambara of Wai & Connor, LLP and Mullen & Filippi, LLP
to resolve their complaints.
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