Complaint History & Business Rating for Autobahn Car Care

988 River Rd, Eugene, Oregon, 97404, United States.

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  • Commented By:Angela R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-Jan-2016
Angela R. says: Complaint Details On Wednesday December 30th 2015 I brought my 2003 BMW X5 to Autobahn because my Check Engine light came on. They diagnosed the car that it needed timing chain replaced. Estimated cost $3200. Picked up car January 8 2016 and paid in full cash $3560. I did not drive 1 mile down the road and the check engine light came back on and car was idling rough. I brought it directly back to autobahn,The mechanic told me he was "puzzled" by my car. After more troubleshooting, and another week later the mechanic had diagnosed and fixed my car. i picked up my car and again i drove not a mile down the road and the check engine light came back on and the idle was just as rough. I brought it directly back to autobahn. They diagnosed the car again and the mechanic was sure that the problem was the solenoids needed to be replaced for $350. I picked up my car and paid the $350 on the 19th January and AGAIN, the third time after they said they fixed my car and said they test drove it, i drove not a mile down the road and the Check engine light came back on and engine was running rough. I brought it right back to autobahn and the mechanic said "I dont know whats wrong with your car." I replied, then you need to find someone who can figure it out. days later the same mechanic called and said i needed to pay $600 more to fix my car. At this point i have lost all faith and trust in their ability to diagnose and fix my car. i asked to speak with the owner, who called me but every time i started to talk the owner would start talking over me, not listening to anything i had to say. he admitted that the mechanic had made a mistake. when he was changing the timing chain he failed to clean out all the plastic and metal shavings from the part that broke and went into the oil circulating thru the engine. which seems like a crucial step, how could a bmw specialist that i paid $92/hour miss that step? a month of finding rides to work(i work 50 miles away)and $3910 later and my car is still not fixed., the mechanics that work at autobahn are careless and sloppy, not only was my BMW given back to me filthy with greasy black fingerprints And dirt all over the engine under the hood., and grease splatters on the outside of my car..but also with more damage to the engine which was caused by their mistake which they admitted that they made. My BMW sounds awful when I drive it. I used to love driving my car and was proud to be driving a car that ifelt and sounded so good to drive. , but now I am ashamed and embarrassed to drive it. I asked the manager of autobahn to call the owner to have him come to the shop to see my car -to verify what a mess it was and how terrible it sounded and how unhappy I am about it ., but the owner couldn't make it because he was " having dizzy spells and was actually on his way to the emergency room" .... This needs to be made right asap, I will not let this rest. I will post this review on every website and make sure the world knows that the mechanics at autobahn imports are not qualified( I don't think any of them have current certifications because there isn't any certificates for any of their mechanics hanging on the wall that I coukd see.- where it should be... If i went to school and was certified I would definitely hang it on the wall so customers could see that I'm a qualified mechanic.) . These guys are liars and thieves and I don't want anybody else to have to go thru what I'm going thru right now. If autobahn doesn't fix my car Then My next step is to take them to court because this is a huge crime they stole $4000 from me and a month of added expenses that i had to pay for rides to work (50 mikes away) and lost wages for the times I couldn't find a ride. « Show less
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