Complaint History & Business Rating for BlackBerry PRIV

501 Airtech Pkwy Ste. 110, Plainfield, Indiana, 46168-7408, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Allye D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:29-Jan-2017
Allye D. says: They do not stand by their product even on warranty, I had my Priv for 4 months and while having it the prism was off color, the volume switch was indented inward making it difficult to use, and it would never stay on the Internet. I stayed on phone with tech, I also paid an extra warranty before the original was expired, they canceled this when I begin complaining but would not refund me those premiums. ATT explained the problem to Blackberry for me and took pictures as requested, yet they would request the item but wanted to charge me over 200.00 for a malfunctioning device. They were going to wipe it clean, and I would have no replacement device, so no phone for use, I did not pay over 600.00 for the phone, and including accessories I gave Blackberry 1k. And since several months ago, playing phone tag with their representactive, no one willing to give me back money or repair phone, I told Blackberry to provide me a local repair person, they claim to not have. For this they are thieves and should not allowed to keep my money and not repair my device without threat of charge when they do not offer a phone for use.
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BlackBerry PRIV’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    A.D. vs. Blackberry Cell Phone Priv Device

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    • Bad business practices
    • Customer service runarounds
    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:5/9/16 I ordered from Blackberry Store, PRIV STV100 for 649.00 Leather Flip cases (2) for 59.99 each, In-vehicle charger for 29.99, AC charger for 29.99, and PRIV US-b cable 39.99 with shipping and tax this Order No. 9183820004 for a total of 838.71 With this purchase I paid for the Blackberry Support and the Extended the Warranty on the PRIV, whi...

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