Complaint History & Business Rating for Boese Media Marketing LLC - OwnersList.Net

1941 S 42nd St Ste 413, Omaha, Nebraska, 68105-2944, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What Boese Media Marketing LLC - OwnersList.Net customers think NEW

Claims vs Boese Media Marketing LLC - OwnersList.Net (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Peter P.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:29-May-2019
Peter P. says: This is a known scam and phishing for owners to list valuable cars or vehicles for sale. Web site is down along with another known scam, after I believe the FBI cracked down.
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  • Commented By:Michelle K.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Feb-2018
Michelle K. says: I will report your company to the FTC for Fraud!! Mike Price stole $450 from my folks and I will report this company for scamming and stealing from an elderly couple. I will not stop until the $450 that Mike Price had stolen from them is given back immediately. He lied about selling their RV within 30 days and their card would not be charged unless the RV was sold. Their card was charged and the RV has not been sold and Mike is acting like he does not know them. We will file a small claim law suit here in Florida unless you return the $450 you stole from my folks credit card.
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Boese Media Marketing LLC - OwnersList.Net customer comments or edit information on this profile.
  • Commented By:Roy C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-May-2017
Roy C. says: They lie . They are thrives. I can not believe them.
They let you think one thing and later they apolize that
It got misunderstood. But they said what they said
If they would jus not lie to you and tell the truth tha they would try. I would be a little better
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Boese Media Marketing LLC - OwnersList.Net customer comments or edit information on this profile.
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