Complaint History & Business Rating for BRB Construction Services LLC

1111 Highway 501 Business Unit 102, Conway, South Carolina, 29526-9592, United States.

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Claims vs BRB Construction Services LLC (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Charlotte B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:20-Oct-2022
Charlotte B. says: We are currently a year behind schedule on a house that we reside in. While some of this is due to supply chain issues, mostly it is due to the fact that Bart is juggling too many jobs and a horrible project manager. He rarely looks at plans, cannot anticipate or make plans beyond a week and is a pathological liar who regularly makes empty promises. On average, I have to call, text and email him 5-15 times about anything we hope to have done -including adding drains to prevent repeat flooding over what has now been a two month period. It is neglect and we live here so we cannot get away from it. Stay away from this company.
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  • Commented By:Butch S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Aug-2017
Butch S. says: My father-in-law purchased two new homes, adjacent from one another, in the Rose Haven subdivision in Conway South Carolina. During the inspection prior to closing on our home, we literally had a 10 page punch list! The builder promised they would fix all the items within a two-week period. It has now been almost one year and there are still items on the punch list that I have not been repaired. I have had to repair some of the items because the builder claims they are cosmetic I E, bulges and dents in the sheet rock, nail pops, sheet rock tape and mud coming loose, unpainted cabinet shoe kick molding that I had to paint, etc. My father-in-law's house, right next door, has a driveway with a bad grading. Every time it rains he gets rain water inside his garage. They tried to fix it with molding attached to the garage floor however, rain continues to come into the garage. His front door will not close completely, leaving a gap near the top because the door jam is not plum. There are heavy duty chips and scratches beneath his kitchen sink in the wooden base of the cabinet that they refused to repair, caused by whomever did the plumbing work. BRB Construction Will make promises and tell you anything you want to hear in order to sell you a Home however, they will not follow through! I have talk to at least 10 neighbors and none of them are happy with this builder either!
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BRB Construction Services LLC’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    A.T. vs. BRB Construction Services LLC, Conway SC

    • "I just feel ripped off."
    Claimant says:<p><em>I bought a home in Rosehaven.They told me they would fix any problems I had with in a year,They have done nothing.I have let them know several times. My sink has a hole in it. My kitchen floor has a nail under it all so it is coming up where they supposed to have fixed it.My garage leaks and the concrete is cracked. Nails coming up all over ...

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