Complaint History & Business Rating for Burgerville

109 West 17 Th St., Vancouver, Washington, 98660, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What Burgerville customers think NEW

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  • 1 customer reporting.
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No unresolved complaints againt Burgerville.
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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Mary N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:04-Aug-2020
Mary N. says: To whom it may concern: After forty years of the best burgers, fries, fish, salads, breakfast food, milkshakes in Portland and Vancouver, I will no longer subject my taste buds and stomach to any food at Burgerville. My decision was gathered by many attempts to eat at various Burgerville outlets hoping to find one that may still have the authentic quality food. I thought perhaps this drop in quality was only in Oregon, but was surprised to experience
the same disappointment in Washington. The quality of meat, onions, buns and French fries were bad news. I suppose that the In and Out burger chain may locate to this area and fill in the Burgerville customers.
A past fan of the original Burgerville.
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  • Commented By:Larry M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:02-Jan-2020
Larry M. says: Today I went to the Burgerville in The Dalles OR. I had a very bad experience. The service was ok. But I left to eat my Double cheeseburger on the way home to Goldendale, WA. I took a few bites and the smell kept getting to me. When I finally sniffed the burger (sorry but it smelt like dog poop. I sniffed it several times thinking it was my nose. But no. Its smelt like I said. I didn't want to travel all the way back to The Dalles being I was half way home. So I through it out the window for I couldn't eat anymore of it. I never have complained about something like this in my life. Burgerville used to be one of my favorite places to eat when I was growing up. Now I will have to sniff the burger at the resteraunt before leave. Thank you for reading and understanding my situation.
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