Complaint History & Business Rating for Burkburnett Residences

1111 S Red River Expy, Burkburnett, Texas, 76354, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Aliceann N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Feb-2022
Aliceann N. says: Apt complex is gov't subsidized and does not comply with HUD rules. Mgmt has refused to fix badly leaking kit sink,kinked kit spray hose and broken entry door for the past 6 weeks.. When I told maintence man I could not live with factory defective spray hose I was rudely interrupted and told to "Watch My Mouth" they I have an attitude...!!! 3 appts were made to fix problems inc my broken entry door and all three were no calls,no shows. My son applied wood to block the freezing wind out. During this last ice and snow storm or entryway sidewalks were not salted or cleared. Many of us requested the entry walkway to be at last salted.. Maintenance man, Ivan told everyone They were not allowed to. During the past 6 and a half years since we've been here we go week long periods of no onsite mgr. The owner owns a total of three apt propertys and has but one mgr and one maintenance man for all three. No one had been on property to collect rent for 6 yes between the 1st and the 5th,except one day thus last month.. Maintence man Jeff has been here 6 yrs age has literally held this place together, now he still lives here and serves between Wichita Falls age Henrietta,Texas complexes and sometimes he is on call here at night.. He came and found the reason for my kit flooding.. I need a new garbage disposal. And he audio told me he told the relatively new maintenance man, Ivan to order door replacement parts.. That was 2 weeks after my door was broken and Ivan had not ordered them at that time. When my door is not locked it blows open and shut according to the wind, we have had many days of constant wind here in N.Texas this feburary. During this past summer we had grass that was over 2 ft high. This present mgr started previous to this. Her hubby cuts the grass here since and we were told in mid June that the grass would be cut in July.. It wasn't cut till mid July. The owners of this complex are quite ruthless in not complying with HUD rules and now they have a mgr that is also manipulating the residents sore. I said nothing to this Ivan empoyee to deserve being told to "Watch My Mouth". In fact I am afraid of him. I am afraid of this mgr also.. Many many of us are upset.. My neighbor accross the way told me she is moving when her lease is up. I have been threatened and abused I have gone without the repairs for almost 2 flull months. I have spent hours and hours on the phone trying to seek some agency to help me.. I lost my husband of 53 years recently and almost died myself of Covid19 the Delta variant and I am still trying to regain my strength. This kind of treatment and fear has set be back months.I don't have a move in me at this time and I have done nothing to deserve this except by having the misfortune of living here under tyrant mgmnt. I am happy with all of my neighbors, also in searching the internet for help I came across the ad for Pioneer Crossings Senior cit complex.. They accentuate " The Gym ", the Clubhouse, the laundry facilities (room ). These facilities are never open,the main building is closed most of the month. One must purchase coupons to use the laundry machines then that's locked when no one is here. This senior citizens apartment living is a crime scene.
Sincerely Mrs Aliceann Norris 1406 Shady Lane apt 204 Burkburnett Texas 76354
Thank you
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  • Commented By:Aliceann N.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Feb-2022
Aliceann N. says: Apt complex is gov't subsidized and does not comply with HUD rules. Mgmt has refused to fix badly leaking kit sink,kinked kit spray hose and broken entry door for the past 6 weeks.. When I told maintence man I could not live with factory defective spray hose I was rudely interrupted and told to "Watch My Mouth" they I have an attitude...!!! 3 appts were made to fix problems inc my broken entry door and all three were no calls,no shows. My son applied wood to block the freezing wind out. During this last ice and snow storm or entryway sidewalks were not salted or cleared. Many of us requested the entry walkway to be at last salted.. Maintenance man, Ivan told everyone They were not allowed to. During the past 6 and a half years since we've been here we go week long periods of no onsite mgr. The owner owns a total of three apt propertys and has but one mgr and one maintenance man for all three. No one had been on property to collect rent for 6 yes between the 1st and the 5th,except one day thus last month.. Maintence man Jeff has been here 6 yrs age has literally held this place together, now he still lives here and serves between Wichita Falls age Henrietta,Texas complexes and sometimes he is on call here at night.. He came and found the reason for my kit flooding.. I need a new garbage disposal. And he audio told me he told the relatively new maintenance man, Ivan to order door replacement parts.. That was 2 weeks after my door was broken and Ivan had not ordered them at that time. When my door is not locked it blows open and shut according to the wind, we have had many days of constant wind here in N.Texas this feburary. During this past summer we had grass that was over 2 ft high. This present mgr started previous to this. Her hubby cuts the grass here since and we were told in mid June that the grass would be cut in July.. It wasn't cut till mid July. The owners of this complex are quite ruthless in not complying with HUD rules and now they have a mgr that is also manipulating the residents sore. I said nothing to this Ivan empoyee to deserve being told to "Watch My Mouth". In fact I am afraid of him. I am afraid of this mgr also.. Many many of us are upset.. My neighbor accross the way told me she is moving when her lease is up. I have been threatened and abused I have gone without the repairs for almost 2 flull months. I have spent hours and hours on the phone trying to seek some agency to help me.. I lost my husband of 53 years recently and almost died myself of Covid19 the Delta variant and I am still trying to regain my strength. This kind of treatment and fear has set be back months.I don't have a move in me at this time and I have done nothing to deserve this except by having the misfortune of living here under tyrant mgmnt. I am happy with all of my neighbors, also in searching the internet for help I came across the ad for Pioneer Crossings Senior cit complex.. They accentuate " The Gym ", the Clubhouse, the laundry facilities (room ). These facilities are never open,the main building is closed most of the month. One must purchase coupons to use the laundry machines then that's locked when no one is here. This senior citizens apartment living is a crime scene.
Sincerely Mrs Aliceann Norris 1406 Shady Lane apt 204 Burkburnett Texas 76354
Thank you
Respond. Click here if you're authorized to respond to Burkburnett Residences customer comments or edit information on this profile.
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