Complaint History & Business Rating for Cheddar’s Restaurant

3094 Helmsdale Place, Lexington, Kentucky, 40509, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Shanae C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:15-Nov-2015
Shanae C. says: Waiter placed my name and on social media because didn't feel I tipped enough on Valentine's Day. When brought to managers at that Smyrna, TN restaurant and corporate mangers they all acted as if no big for me will fire the employee and nothing offered for me. The employee never even came back to work to get fired I found out through person that worked there at the time. No call back from corporate to inform me of the outcome no apologies, no gift card no nothing was offered to me for the embarrassment I felt to this day and this happened in 2013. I make sure because of management that I tell everyone I come in contact with how managers will treat you if there's a problem. This was a major problem and acted like they were the victim. If I can steer one people a day or make have second thought about dining there then my job is done. No one should have to feel when you in a hurry on your lunch break and go to Cheddar for a meal and waiter/waitress expecting 20% and if doesn't as soon as leave talking amongst each and put on blast on social media. I have not been back will not go back because forget managers at the store but the Corporate managers never call me back or reach out in some way to me to offer an apology.
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