Complaint History & Business Rating for Contes Corvettes Inc

851 W Wheat Rd, Vineland, New Jersey, 8360, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:J C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:11-Jul-2017
J C. says: When you buy a car it should be an honest thoughtful process with owner, buyer, and sales company, all on the same page. I had the chance to deal with an owner of a car being held on consignment at Contes.We discussed the price and terms and all three of us had made an agreement. Marty at Contes and I had an additional conversation when he told me about his business and his up front honesty and pride of doing business with so many happy customers. This was inspiring and we agreed that our word would be our bond, and that I would follow through with the price and purchase of the corvette. I needed to drive and have the car inspected by a reputable company and if all were as advertised then I would hand over the check. Marty agreed and I then started to put insurance together and set up to drive the car the next day. The three of us had an oral agreement. Marty called me a few hours later and said that someone else just came in and put a 500.00 deposit on the car. Their offer was good upon inspection of the car. Same agreement as mine but probably for more money? What happened to our verbal agreement and you're honesty and forth coming. Marty you culminate all the bad things that are said of car salesman, liars, dishonesty, and cheats. I can now never buy a car from your dealer ship. Marty you are a dirt bag and even though you told me of your honesty and truthful sales, you are disingenuous and pond scum. J.C.
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