Danielson Law Group’s Complaint History (2):
2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
- Customer service runarounds
Claimant says:After a painstaking 11 months getting the run around regarding a loan modification with my bank, Chase, I hired Danielson Law Group to represent me. They fed me lots of promises, and charged me $3500 to 'help'.
I sent all the papers requested, and called them 2 to 3 times a week to check on progress, as it was time sensitive. Within a month, m...
- Claim
- Seeking:
- Bad business practices
- Problem with a service
Claimant says:I had a loan and modification done on me to see if I could be qualified in April 2012. I spoke with a Mr. Dan Ford 1-877-474-0177, we filled out the papers that had to be signed and he told me that if the company could help me, or not they would let me know. So in 3 days a guy calls me from dlg legal saying yes they could help me . Well come to ...
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