Complaint History & Business Rating for Doctor's Hospital

411 South Whitlock Street, Bremen, Indiana, 46506, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Karen B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Jul-2023
Karen B. says: They held my father with end-stage dementia beyond the legal 72-hour hold. They would not release him to the arranged nursing home that specialized in dementia patients such as him. They never gave a reason other than he was not "stable". No one was able to intervene on our behalf to get him released. I told them that I was driving from Minneapolis to Bremen, Indiana to remove him myself, AMA, with the escort of the State Police if necessary, or the were to discharge him to the nursing home by releasing him to me for transport. They agreed to discharge him to me on day 10. As I arrived, an ambulance arrived to pick him up on a 911 call. I was never informed. I saw him taken out of the hospital, virtually dead. The paramedic required Narcan to revive him in the 2-mile drive to the hospital. The ED team was very concerned that he would not make it through the night. He was severely dehydrated, septic, malnourished, covered with bruised, and had pressure wounds. This all happened in 10 days, he walked into the facility on the day of admission and was feeding himself that morning.
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