Complaint History & Business Rating for Dove Lewis Emergency Animal

1984 NW Pettygrove St, Portland, Oregon, 97209, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Corey B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:19-Jan-2023
Corey B. says: We came there bring our dog she was having seizures and they prescribed us some medicine without doing no blood work and then told us to bring the dog back if she had more than three seizures in one day and from giving her that medicine she started having like 12 seizures in one day and we went there before she had completely 12 and they turned us away multiple times that day and then result of our dog had to be put down and you guys are the ones that prescribed the medicine and said bring her back if it's not working or just side effects and when we got there you turn this away now my my pet that meant the world to me and it's irreplaceable and priceless is gone I don't understand how you can turn somebody away when their dog is convulsing and going into shock and f****** biting themselves and f****** peeing all over the place and foaming at the mouth and you could f****** say sorry you owe us $140 bill which the bill was for the medicine that they prescribed and the bill never even reached the house yet we never even gotten the circulation of the first payment so because of $140 Bill irreplaceable dog is gone and who's in who's going to make this right I'm not going to rest this is just the beginning
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