Complaint History & Business Rating for Ecklers Industries

5200 S Washington Ave, Titusville, Florida, 32780, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Sammie C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-Apr-2022
Sammie C. says: januaryi 21,2022 ordered front and rear bumper for 1954 chevy car, received front bumper in about a week, have contacted ecklers several time since about rear bumper,around april 20,2022 i was told i could expect rear bumper about september account item was still on back order, i cancelled order and 4 days later item show in stock,SURPRISE, my purchase price was $301 now item is $415 kinda makes me wonder
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  • Commented By:Rudy S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-Oct-2021
Rudy S. says: ecklers is by far the worst suppler to the old car hobby! They never answer the phone when there is a problem.
Every one I ask has had a terrible expierence with ecklers.
Just say NO!!!!! to ecklers
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  • Commented By:Allan W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-Aug-2019
Allan W. says: ordered 56 chevy dual master cylinder conversion kit. received a dual master cylinder that did not fit, mc hitting oil filter canister. also pre bent lines going to proportioning valve not even close to fitting. requested Eckler's send correct mc. no luck. awaiting postal return label to send all back. disappointed in Eckler's. this is their business, should be better. tech support no help. seems they did not want to be bothered. al welsh
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