Complaint History & Business Rating for FBA Stores / Online Auction Learning Center Inc.

288 Grove St. Ste 199, Braintree, MA 12184 (UPS Store), 293 Libbey Industrial Pkwy Ste 250, Weymouth, Massachusetts, 02189-3182, United States.

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Claims vs FBA Stores / Online Auction Learning Center Inc. (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Jeffrey Y.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:05-Dec-2017
Jeffrey Y. says: FBA Stores/Onlineauctionlearningcenterinc. sells you a coaching package that is really expensive and promises that if you follow the coaching advice to the letter you will be successful with your business. This is not true, in my experience we purchased the coaching package and received our coach. She advised us on how to select products for our store, only later to find out that these products couldn't be sold as she stated we would be allowed to. We listed our products and immediately began to receive threats that we were infringing on another sellers right to sell those products. The coach was not very informative . We ourselves figured out how to resolve the issue through some YouTube videos. Then suddenly our coach was not available anymore. We had to ask for a new coach and explain what happened. We received a new coach who had no clue about where we were in our business development. We received his contact information and reached out to him but he was non-responsive.
FBA Stores/onlineauctionlearningcenterinc. promised us a 100% Money back guarantee and a Service Commitment to help us succeed. They have not fulfilled any of those promises
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FBA Stores / Online Auction Learning Center Inc.’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

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