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4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd Ne, Atlanta, Georgia, 30319, United States.

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  • Commented By:Suryaprakash S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:30-May-2017
Suryaprakash S. says: I am really disappointed by moving into Belmont at park bridge apartment in Alpharetta, Georgia which is managed by Fogelman Management Group. I moved into the apartment on 5/26/2017. Below are things I found out on the day of moving in.

1. They are charging $15 for intrusion alarm and alarm is not working so why am I getting charged for $15?
2. Bathroom toilet is not cleaned properly as I could see yellow stains left over bathroom toilet bowl., When I said this to Leasing person I worked with, she cleaned the toilet immediately but still it is not looking good. But we adjusted for this.
3. Kitchen and bathroom floors are not cleaned properly as we could some dust left over on the floors when I checked in the leasing person called the maintenance guys to clean it immediately.
4. Air Conditioner was not working and it was repaired on 26th May 2017 before we move in. Then AC was stopped working on 26th May 2017 night as when we switch on AC we hear lot of noise from AC machine and room was not cooling. Due to long weekend, was not able to talk to anyone in leasing office and we stayed in the apartment without AC and it is 90 degrees outside. This is HORRIBLE.
5. Since it is hot inside we tried to open the windows in hall and bedroom so that it would be cool. First, I was not able to open the window as it was kind of stuck but finally was able to open with lot of energy. Then When I looked at windows, it was completely rust and lot of dust. We are afraid that there any bugs in the windows closing gaps.
6. The complete apartment smells smoking whenever we go outside and enter and the smell is not going away though we have kept opened the doors since we move in.
7. And now the water is leaking into the HALL window when it is raining and the carpet is getting wet.
8. We have opened patio door one day in night since it is hot, we got lot of insects into the apartment.

We are paying approximately $1000 for the apartment and the apartment is like some old apartment without any basic facilities. We will talk to leasing people on 5/30/2017 but we are not sure if these problems get corrected.

We have complained to front office about AC problem and smoke smell today i.e 30th May 2017. Yet no one cared to show up and still these problems are not fixed. We have really done mistake in moving to these apartments. Will continue to post these review in every website about these apartments so that others will not the mistake we did.
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