Complaint History & Business Rating for Garden City Hospital

6245 Inkster Rd, 412857, Garden City, Michigan, 48135, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Colleen S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:22-Sep-2022
Colleen S. says: My father was a patient recently and was in the hospital for 5 days and not once did they help him bathe, they left his soiled diaper on the toilet for 5hours it wasn't until my mom came to see him that she threw away the soiled diaper and emptied his bedpan. the hospital is no way near 100 best hospitals in michigan, I wouldn't even take my Dog to that hospital, Also my dad was on complete liquid diet and the Dietitian kept coming in offering my dad solid foods. Clearly the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing since the intern and Dr both said NO solid foods. if anything they need to shut this place down and turn it into a used car lot since that's all its good for. My opinion they're the 100 WORST hospitals in michigan.
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  • Commented By:Floyd C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Aug-2020
Floyd C. says: Hospital lacks cleanliness from the front lobby where all visitors and vendors must come in. no cleaning where they monitor screening of people in 12 hours..medical office entrance locked and had seen people out of breath using walkers complain its too far to walk. management has a deaf ear to resolve issues and blame game is put back on oneself. .
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  • Commented By:Duratius L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-Sep-2017
Duratius L. says: Letting nurses with no psychiatric training work in a psychiatric ward and have no clue of how to care for the patient with different mental illnesses.
Unfortunately I'm taking this matter to SANC and the department of health.
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