Complaint History & Business Rating for Garden Court Apartments

lancaster, Pennsylvania, 17602, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Nina G.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Mar-2018
Nina G. says: Well, I would say no to letting people know about moving there. My mother lived there for over 10 years and they do not respect the people. While my mother lived there in the winter months she was cold sitting in her apartment and in the summer she was so hot that it kept her sick. They started to control the heat and air and made it unlivable for elder people who lived there. Also, beware when you leave there they will refuse to issue security deposit back. My mom moved out we talked to a black female and Jose who made a copy or a returned security letter and claimed they would contact her back, they also were in contact with me for months trying to get it back. Jose told me oh we sent that to her and she cashed it when in fact they did not send any refund to my home as was instructed by my mother, They filed a court action and that was closed because they did not bother to show up. Then after a year of complaining to Attorney general, and now people claim one of there managers named Rosa claims my mom is not entitled to her security deposit back. But the law states they must provide that in writing in which they did not, I and my brother took it up there and they took her keys and even wrote on her return address and Rosa claims she not entitled to a return of her security deposit. But because the law states they had 30 days to send an itemized bill and if they do not send that then they must pay double the security deposit. Rosa is refusing to send her security deposit and now I am telling everyone to beware of Garden Court refusal of returning security deposits.They gave me a run around for a year and so now I am forced to take action. So If you move there be known of there stall tactics to keep your security deposits.And they will try to keep your deposit for normal wear and tear even if they do not follow the laws of security deposit returns.
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