Comments and Feedback from Users
Commented By:Dean B.
Dean B. says:
It seems that they just don't care about the public when it comes to certain problems. This is very important information which I knew existed when I bought a used 2010 Chevrolet equinox. You see when GM rolls out a new model year car I recommend that no one should buy it, because it seems GM knows about some problems and builds enough profit to take care of warranty. Others it seems they cross their fingers and hopefully time will be on their side. Example of this equinox it was built early in 2009 for 2010 roll out. So this was after they closed the Saturn franchise but were left with the old transmission of the Saturn Vue which everyone knew was a horrible transmission. So the unfortunate ones that are stuck with the 2010 equinox now are of course the fraction of the US population that is still given 5 year year loan and most likely maxed out on payment. SO now this transmission shoots craps and you can't get a new one because there aren't any and to put in a rebuilt old transmission will cost you $3,500. You see where this is going? It's called misleading the very public that helped them out of bankruptcy paid off a lot of their foolish spending and they just don't care!!! They try and sell you on all this propaganda BS but they are once again showing their true colors and it's not red,white and blue!! It's green with greed and money your's and mine!! They say they are to big to fail well how about caring for the ones that get stuck with the product they want us to buy so badly and now can't afford to fix it because it is just way to far out of ones budget!!! I paid $13,000.00 for this car in the last week of November 2015. transmission went out first week of February and put 12,000. miles on it the value dropped to under $6,000.00 so having this car for 14 months one year and two months it will have cost me including the tax title and license fee over $8,000.00 and still leave's me without a car!!! I have not received any help from anyone so if I make a decision to fix this car it still will not be close to any kind of value and everyday that I would drive it I have this in the back of my mind will I make this car last long enough to get something of my money back!! You see I know about deprecation and what it takes to own cars I sold cars since 1986! All I asked GM for was some financial assistance with a different transmission! It's a horrible feeling and I was a car salesman that didn't have to get fresh customers everyday I had lot's of trust from past customers! My only hope is that if someone is looking for a car they read this and please be very cautious about buying a GM product!!! Thanks for nothing GM
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Commented By:Dean B.
Dean B. says:
It seems that they just don't care about the public when it comes to certain problems. This is very important information which I knew existed when I bought a used 2010 Chevrolet equinox. You see when GM rolls out a new model year car I recommend that no one should buy it, because it seems GM knows about some problems and builds enough profit to take care of warranty. Others it seems they cross their fingers and hopefully time will be on their side. Example of this equinox it was built early in 2009 for 2010 roll out. So this was after they closed the Saturn franchise but were left with the old transmission of the Saturn Vue which everyone knew was a horrible transmission. So the unfortunate ones that are stuck with the 2010 equinox now are of course the fraction of the US population that is still given 5 year year loan and most likely maxed out on payment. SO now this transmission shoots craps and you can't get a new one because there aren't any and to put in a rebuilt old transmission will cost you $3,500. You see where this is going? It's called misleading the very public that helped them out of bankruptcy paid off a lot of their foolish spending and they just don't care!!! They try and sell you on all this propaganda BS but they are once again showing their true colors and it's not red,white and blue!! It's green with greed and money your's and mine!! They say they are to big to fail well how about caring for the ones that get stuck with the product they want us to buy so badly and now can't afford to fix it because it is just way to far out of ones budget!!! I paid $13,000.00 for this car in the last week of November 2015. transmission went out first week of February and put 12,000. miles on it the value dropped to under $6,000.00 so having this car for 14 months one year and two months it will have cost me including the tax title and license fee over $8,000.00 and still leave's me without a car!!! I have not received any help from anyone so if I make a decision to fix this car it still will not be close to any kind of value and everyday that I would drive it I have this in the back of my mind will I make this car last long enough to get something of my money back!! You see I know about deprecation and what it takes to own cars I sold cars since 1986! All I asked GM for was some financial assistance with a different transmission! It's a horrible feeling and I was a car salesman that didn't have to get fresh customers everyday I had lot's of trust from past customers! My only hope is that if someone is looking for a car they read this and please be very cautious about buying a GM product!!! Thanks for nothing GM
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