Ginale Skin Care/A Div. of CGI Enterprises’s Complaint History (2):
2 claims are currently posted for public review and comment
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Contract / Agreement / Promise dispute
- Customer service runarounds
Claimant says:I ordered their trial product and returned the product well before the specified 15 day trial period. I have confirmation from the post office that they received the product. I also called and cancelled and was assured no money would be taken from my account except the shipping and handling.
About 2 days after the confirmation from the post offi...
- Claim
- Seeking:
- "I just feel ripped off."
- Bad business practices
- Problem with a service
Claimant says:I sent for a sample of this skin care treatment called Ginale skin care. I tried the sample I did not care for it so when a box of the product came I sent it back put on it refused cancel return. I thought that this would take care of the problem. Then recieving the same product I set it back again then the third package came I did the same then...
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Ginale Skin Care/A Div. of CGI Enterprises
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