Complaint History & Business Rating for Grifols Plasma - Headquarters

2410 Lillyvale Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90032-3514, United States.

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Claims vs Grifols Plasma - Headquarters (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Debra S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:11-Mar-2022
Debra S. says: The Hinesville Georgia office needs to have someone go in there to review the staff and management . They are not being trained properly and my expereince was not a pleaseant one.
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  • Commented By:Omar M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-May-2021
Omar M. says: I was banned by Daniela Avila from donating at any grifols centers for rummers that someone said about me I didn't do nothing wrong please take care of problem she mistreated me that's why im making a complaint on her my name Omar Maldonado donor #6100 she is located at El paso TX Cotton steet and Alameda 79912
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  • Commented By:Brad H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:10-Jan-2019
Brad H. says: A while ago I came in late due to work. When they had the 10 min grace period. I was 13 min late and lady up front was rude and told me to come back another day. They had no more opening. Did not offer to let me stay and see if there would be a no show. So went to my car and thought unacceptable. I have waited so many times on them for up to an hour, 13 min is only fair
Went in asked for msnager and Mike comes snd gives me excuses of why i can't donate. So called his boss and he was not of help so called corporate and lady agreed they should have me in. She said will contact me back within 3 fay
Never got a call. So called back an was told to wait till Friday. Still no call back snd wad told someone would call back. It is now 3 month may 4 and still no call. The other day waited a hour before i got a bed. Today almost a hour to get stuck by the needle. They now have a 5 min grace period but the can make us wait forever. If i don't get a call next step is the BBB. One staff member told me they over book people and then get on them about their times. Very poor way to run a company. Who ever makes it ok to over book needs to leave that office and work with the people
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  • Commented By:Emilie M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:27-Dec-2018
Emilie M. says: They lack the training needed to work there
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  • Commented By:Stracy C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:31-Jan-2018
Stracy C. says: They may experience similar retaliation and discrimination from management.
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