Complaint History & Business Rating for Havasu Regional Medical Center

101 Civic Center Lane, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, 86403, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Ribert B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Mar-2022
Ribert B. says: Been waiting to see a doctor 6 hours to see a doctor, just got into a room and said to get comfortable it probably would be awhile! Came in because of congestion and pulse rate was over 100! This is totally uncalled for!
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  • Commented By:Edward H.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:13-Jun-2021
Edward H. says: On June 12th I severed the end of my finger except for a small piece of skin which it hang from, after a 45 minute drive to the hospital I checked in around 4:45 pm and waited about 30 minutes to be looked at I was called into a room to have my blood pressure and such and I was told to returned to the waiting room. After about 20 more minutes I was taken to a exam room, a nurse and a doctor looked at the wound, he explained that he could sew it back on but I may lose it, he told the nurse to prep the wound and left the room saying he would be right back, after about 45 minutes he returned with another doctor and after moving the finger all around for a couple of minutes he told the nurse to soak it in betadine after another hour he returned with a different doctor who told him how to sew it up again, he left saying he would be right back, he never came back after watching it hang for about another 30 minute I went into the hall and ask a nurse if it would be much longer, she said she would check and left she never returned, about 45 minutes longer my wife ask the same thing about how long more she was told just a few minutes. We never did see the doctor again at 8:45 I was fed up & tired of being ignored, so I left. I always thought a emergency room was where you could be taken care of in a emergency. My finger hanging off was such an emergency. I have never seen such disrespect for someone that need help.
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