Complaint History & Business Rating for HERMAN & KITTLE PROPERTIES INC

500 East 96Th St. Ste 300, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F


No unresolved complaints againt HERMAN & KITTLE PROPERTIES INC.
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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Tina C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:28-Jul-2020
Tina C. says: Well as just do with the most recent considering my pic long list from the beginning to what will probably be the end of me I'm sitting in my Room after waiting 6 days for air conditioning to be repaired and was told repair man would be here on Monday he thought they could change the thermostat and fix it to no Avail then demanded my doctor send evidence I was disable with my lungs due to previous cancer which I did was told that the airconditioner would be fixed again this being the 4th time and of course it didn't happen hired a general contractor to come in stay on my couch with his shoes and rearrange my furniture he did nothing matter of fact my air was at least halfway working and cooler to 80゚ inside. But as I'm a wait for the 5th day straight because they will not fix my air conditioning just one of the many many lies this place tells. I was waiting to sign a lease when I found out by calling my case worker that they had already been paid 2 weeks previously and I still yet after 2 months of waiting did not have an apartment property managers are rude never answer the phone returned phone calls maintenance as they will be back they need some stupid excuse to leave and then never come back. They moved the dumpster to where I have to walk being disabled more than 2 blocks away. They have towed my car out of the handicap spot and moved it at least 2 to 3 blocks away and did not tell me where it was at I received a voicemail telling me my car had been parked and then message ended. Razon got a car for christmas it was part in visitor parking plated injured and they towed it on Christmas Eve
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  • Commented By:Ladinna C.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Jul-2019
Ladinna C. says: 9north is getting really nasty dogs on north hall including maintenance mans dog are urinating in the halls badly it stinks,our halls does not get cleaned the elevator is germ invested never gets cleaned throughly uncaring management
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  • General satisfaction
  • Quality of products or services
  • Responsiveness to problems or complaints
  • Value for money
  • Professionalism
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