Complaint History & Business Rating for Hotelblox Llc

720 Lake St, Oak Park, Illinois, 60301, United States.

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What Hotelblox Llc customers think NEW

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Dee B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:05-Dec-2019
Dee B. says: I booked @ flight & reserved a rental car for 12/25-01/01. I have heard nothing. No tickets, reservation numbers, or e-mails. I have called Purchasing Power 3 times. They called HotelBox & did not get a respond. I called tonight & left a message to return my call. I tried to contact them via their e-mail. It is no longer available. I am now teying to get my money back. I have always been happy with Purchasing Power, however this has thrown a wrench into the whole program.
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  • Commented By:Cynthia M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:09-Mar-2017
Cynthia M. says: Thank you Jimmy. My sentiments exactly. The same thing happened to us. Since the company has not bothered to respond to you, I am guessing I will get no satisfaction either. Possibly we can just keep reviewing this company to warn others. I am very disappointed in our experience with HotelBlox. We were paying on a cruise for several months. We could not get a reply from the company and received no information about our cruise. Finally the week before we were given two bad booking numbers. An employee from the loss department finally called us and said someone had embezzled funds. If that is the truth, I am sorry that happened. She was wanting to make things right for us. The first cruise she booked, we could not get a booking number and it fell through. So after a couple of days we were finally given a booking number on yet a third cruise. This one went through. But all of the promises for airfare and hotel and a decent accommodation were apparently just lies. We are stuck in a horrible inside cabin with no chance to upgrade. Twin beds so we can't even be together. No upgraded amenities, no airfare, no hotel, no paid transportation to the boat. It was my first cruise after raising 5 kids and the only thing I had dreamed of doing. I will go and enjoy what I can but HotelBlox and the lies we were apparently told have definitely ruined it. I hate to write anyone a bad review but what this company did was not fair and I want people to know so it doesn't happen to them on their dream vacation.
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  • Commented By:Jimmy F.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Jan-2017
Jimmy F. says: If you are wise and don't want to waste your hard earned money, run for the hills when your employer offers you the option of working with purchasing power/
If you are purchasing a general item, not a vacation, you are fine.
But if you are booking a vacation look elsewhere. They request you to submit a 3 page document identifying the travelers/trip and state they will respond within 72 hours.
I have sent 3 emails and waited 6 weeks and have received zero response.
Why book a vacation that you more than likely will never be booked on anyway?
Next email is BBB and department of Consumer Affairs, but looking at the list of complaints, they are not immune to complaints..
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