Complaint History & Business Rating for Hyundai Motor Finance

10550 Talbert Ave, Fountain Valley, California, 92708-6032, United States.

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What Hyundai Motor Finance customers think NEW

Claims vs Hyundai Motor Finance (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Teresa T.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:23-Jan-2020
Teresa T. says: Hyundai Motor Finance reported my loan as an uncollectable debt even though I never missed a single payment nor was I ever late with a payment. They will not speak to me directly about this issue and told me to have my attorney call. My attorney called and they refused to speak with her. They told her to call the Legal Department, but they couldn't provide the phone number. We have been unable to find the phone number online. Ridiculous! I will never buy another Hyundai.
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  • Commented By:Paul M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:21-Apr-2018
Paul M. says: I have had a running dispute with them since November 2017 regarding alleged excess wear and tear on a leased vehicle I turned in without allowing me to personally see the alleged damages. Photographs they inconclusive. Their staff were not only uncooperative but actually rude at times and hung up on me twice. I made arrangements to paid in March to avoid them sending my account to collections. They did send to collections, which I paid over the phone, two days later Hyundai took the money out of my checking account also. I received a letter from Hyundai dated 3/27/17 stating the account was paid in full. Yet they reported me to the credit bureau ten days later which lowered my very good credit rating by 31 points. The problem is still not completely resolved as yet on 4/21/18.
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