Complaint History & Business Rating for Kenneth Shuler Schools of Cosmetology

7474 Garners Ferry Rd, Columbia, South Carolina, 29209-2601, United States.

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Claims vs Kenneth Shuler Schools of Cosmetology (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Camille M.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:20-Dec-2017
Camille M. says: I went twice to get my hair done within 2 weeks instead of blonde I'm yellow and orange my red highlights r now pink.I went to grille a.c. and ms.HannAh the office manager told me I couldnt get refund only gift certificate the crazed I won't go back there for nothing the instructors tried to prove one another wrong..HELP..
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  • Commented By:April B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:29-Jul-2017
April B. says: Me and my daughter moved to S.C. and saw a thing on groupon.. I did hair for many years but had carple tunnel so I quit a few years back. Anyway. We went and both had long hair. I called around and found a ombré for Kayla (daughter) for 108. She decided the school bc it was cheaper and the teacher was a plus. Smart styles said 60-80, I didn't feel confortable with that or there. This other had it fir 108 on groupon. Well we went to the school. Bad choice. Her hair I asked to have a few inches cut off and long layers and showed a old pic of the color... she got very few cut (wasn't accurate but still had hair but was orange, plus I was told she had to wait to get it fixed bc it couldn't take any more bleach which isn't true bc it was orange not pale yellow. About the hair cut she had the ladies were at the other chair talking about me and what I asked to be done saying we will listen to the 15 year old and just do a toner.. humm. A toner doesn't lift but deposits.. when at first I asked if she was doing the ombré to low they said nope. Humm again as she needed a good cut.
Me I asked for long layers and showed a pic of me a year ago.. I look in the mirror and I have two tails on each side and the hair is up to my shoulders (well the two shag pieces were) I asked what she did! The instructor came over with my chopy, gauged layers and said I asked for that. No, I didn't.then he saw the pic I showed and was like oh but the whole time he seemed to take the stylist side. I was like hair does grow back but when I did do hair if someone hated their hair they wouldn't pay hers around 85, mine 10 plus 27 tip. (Her desion not to be ugly) At first we looked at long leNth hair (covering boob) and then I showed her my pic of me. I looked in the mirror at home and thank God I have curly hair to cover this.
The teacher said oh you can come back but any thing after a 24 would cost... frankly I am scared to come back and wish he would just give me my money back so I can get it fixed elsewhere .i was scared to go back bc they were talking about me. I was first told her hair would be 60 plus 5 cut (we tip well and did bc it was her birthday) I am angry. My hair looks like a inverted bob. Hers looks brassy.
What do I do?
I am so upset. This is her first year in S.C.
She wanted pale yellow ombrea and a Long layer cut.
I wasn't even acting like the old hair dresser but some things don't change! Basic cuts and bleaching to pale yellow, not pumpkin, brassy gold!
April blan
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Kenneth Shuler Schools of Cosmetology’s Complaint History (1):

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