Message from the PeopleClaim Administration: “Land Air Water Bureau's PeopleClaim rating has been downgraded to F due to a threatening, coercive, or unconstructive response to a claimant, to PeopleClaim, or to both regarding a claim that has been filed.
A PeopleClaim rating represents our opinion of a business based upon how it responds to customer complaints filed on the PeopleClaim website. Public review and comment is an important process for keeping the public aware of business problems and can help consumers distinguish good operators from bad operators in any industry. The right of consumers to post reviews, opinions, and comments about businesses is well established and well tested under law.
We do not edit, alter or evaluate the merits of claims posted on our site. We do provide space for both parties to state their opinions and share evidence that supports their side of the issue.
We don't expect or encourage responding parties to resolve claims they disagree with, or where they feel that a claimant's proposed terms of resolution are unreasonable. The responding part can provide an explanation for their rejection of any claim or any proposed term of resolution.
However, we do believe that customers, clients and individuals deserve a constructive response to any complaint or concern. The responding party can accept or reject a PeopleClaim, negotiate a compromise, dispute any specific point, or add comments or questions that will be posted along with the claimant's claim details. This allows the public to see that they've made a good faith attempt to address the issue.
This party can appeal the decision once a good-faith response has been made.”
Land Air Water Bureau’s Complaint History (1):
1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment
- Claim
- Seeking:
Claimant says:<p>I have reached out too numerous times to count regarding the lack of success and request for assistance to resolve the problems I have encountered and the communication has been non-existent.</p>
<p>After eight long months and still no resolution, I would like them to either honor the agreement or the Money Back Guarantee. EIther way, I am seeki...
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Land Air Water Bureau
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