Complaint History & Business Rating for Larrys Vw Import Service

10332 Ne 23Rd St, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73141, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Chris G.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Jan-2016
Chris G. says: Larry's VW Import Service, practices all the old school mechanic scams in the book. This company lacks any knowledge in regulations and business ethics. You will not get a receipt of what you sign at the time of drop off of your vehicle, nor any upfront written pricing when quoted; if you are lucky to even get a quote. You will not see any proper regulatory mandated items posted on their walls. They lack a computer POS system so you will not have a fair quote to the labor market here. They will falsify receipts with your signature, that you signed when you came in to authorize the work, through photo copying to make it look as though you agreed to those prices. They will threaten you will lien on your vehicle if you do not pay, even if those services and prices were not agreed to. And, as the Ok law is currently written, you have to pay to get your vehicle. They will request cash payment, as well as do not have a merchant account (that is a sign right there to beware) if a company does not have a merchant account in this day and age it says something big about the company's credit. Your vehicle will be worse off than when it came in, damage wise, or not fixed correctly at all. And, they will charge you for unauthorized work and added work (you can't prove they did or didn't do it). IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT ABOUT LARRYS: Please file with the Attorney Generals Office and practice your rights of small claims, and social media outlets. It is shops that operate in this manner that give good repair shops a bad name. We need to stand together against repair shops that have bad business practices and violate regulatory responsibilities in regards to consumer rights. There are two other Import repair shops in the OKC area, please do your rating research when deciding to take your vehicle to one. DO not make the same mistake I did and go to Larry's, your pocket book will be much lighter than it should be and you will be have more problems with your car than you should have.
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