Complaint History & Business Rating for Le Bonheur Children's Hospital

50 N Dunlap St, 365757, Memphis, Tennessee, 38103, United States.

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PeopleClaim Reliability Rating
Scale: A+ to F

What Le Bonheur Children's Hospital customers think NEW

No unresolved complaints againt Le Bonheur Children's Hospital.
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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Tad B.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:07-Nov-2022
Tad B. says: Came in from piggott, staff was great till we were all checked in. Told we would go to our room and be able to order some food. 2 hours later they said ‘I am not going to lie to you, you will have to hang out here (an exam room) for the night’. No food for my son, no blanket, no pillow nothing. Said they were going to monitor him for the night. Nothing hooked to him to monitor him and no one coming in to check on him!
Stay away if you can, try another childrens hospital!!!!! One that actually cares about your kid!
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  • Commented By:Lucinda W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:26-May-2021
Lucinda W. says: It has been 10 years and the more I go over it in my head, I know for a FACT if the staff at this hospital would have responded to our inquiry into the blood in our son's stool (he was a patient in the hospital) he would still be alive today. We waited 8 hours for them to finally take a look at what was going on. At that time it was too late! Le Bonheur killed our son. There is no doubt in my mind about this. I would not recommend this hospital to a slug! Unless something has changed dramatically, they do not listen and do not respect what the parents are telling them. PLEASE BYPASS THIS HOSPITAL, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Commented By:Kathy L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:13-Nov-2019
Kathy L. says: Brought my daughters infant son for a procedure. Told us to be there at 8 got here early. Found out his wasn’t scheduled until 11 and at 1:20 we are still sitting here. Everyone that came in after us are already gone. Why would that make a 4 week old wait over 4 hours for a 15 minute procedure. Ridiculous.
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