Complaint History & Business Rating for Max Dowling Properties

1102 Oriole Ln, Burkburnett, Texas, 76354-2849, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Stephanie R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-Jan-2018
Stephanie R. says: His homes are not fit to live in. Walking on the floors are like walking on a roller coaster ride. They are not safe. Be careful he Will sucker you to do a rent to own so he Will not be obligated to fix anything and make you fix it out of your pocket. 90% of his homes in burkburnett need to be condemned and tore down. Don't get behind on payments, he Will send thugs to come to your house and harass you. He will come into your home and steal you blind. Down to the food in your fridge. Hide your meds they will come up gone. Biggest slumlord I ever met.
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  • Commented By:Stephanie R.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-Jan-2018
Stephanie R. says: His homes are not fit to live in. Walking on the floors are like walking on a roller coaster ride. They are not safe. Be careful he Will sucker you to do a rent to own so he Will not be obligated to fix anything and make you fix it out of your pocket. 90% of his homes in burkburnett need to be condemned and tore down. Don't get behind on payments, he Will send thugs to come to your house and harass you. He will come into your home and steal you blind. Down to the food in your fridge. Hide your meds they will come up gone. Biggest slumlord I ever met.
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  • Commented By:Wouldntyou L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:12-Dec-2017
Wouldntyou L. says: What Lisa said was absolutely correct. He bragged to me when I first met him that he didn't need money, but was a cheap jerk the entire time I lived there. He didn't want to fix anything. He would always insist on sending "his men" (two nitwits) over, who I suspect didn't know jack crap about fixing anything. I take that back. One of his men is a very nice fellow, and the other one, the tall one who wears the cowboy hat, he is trouble. Watch out for him.
Then when the problem persists, because his idiots didn't actually fix anything, he sends them out again. After 5 or 6 times of the same problem recurring, he finally hires a professional, which is what he should have done right from the beginning.

He does tell everyone's business. When I moved in, he proceeded to tell me everyone that lived there, and all about their personal life. Mind you, I didn't particularly care, and I certainly didn't encourage this discussion. But it went on regardless.

Forget about getting your deposit back. I followed his rules to the letter, and never got it back. He will make up some excuse why you won't get your money back. He is one cheap jerk, regardless of how much he brags about how much money he has and how he doesn't need anymore.

He actually puts on his lease the stipulation that he is allowed to go in and steal your property if you haven't paid your rent. I don't know how in the world that is legal.

Avoid this if you can at all. I was completely miserable there.
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  • Commented By:Lisa S.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:11-May-2016
Lisa S. says: Slumlord, he steals from tenants, he discusses tenants personal issues and financial issues with other tenants. He will enter your home and take things of value if he feels you owe him money and hold that as collateral. He treats his employees terribly and speaks to them truly in front of other people. Did not pay him cash he won't budge on his records and say that you still owe him. He takes the garbage to the thrift stores and demands thousands of dollars worth of credits for the IRS.
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