Complaint History & Business Rating for Music Technology Inc

5418 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia, 22151, United States.

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Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Andrew P.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:04-Nov-2015
Andrew P. says: I had a terrible experience using this company and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I sent in a loop pedal I have had for years that started acting up. They shipped it back to me with the SAME problem. I called and inquired about their policy with items that had failed to be fixed, and was confronted by a woman on the other line that was incredibly rude and impatient, and seemed to be personnally offended that I was calling to complain. Because of this bad experience, I registered a complaint with the company regarding the awful customer service, something I have NEVER done before. I was then personnally confronted and admonished by the OWNER in a response email!!! Thats when I knew it was bad. He happened to be the woman's husband and was offended by my customer service complaint, and didn't seem to care about my original issue at all. This man was standing up for his wife no matter what. Very odd way of dealing with a paying customer. After a few of the STRANGEST emails sent back and forth between me and this man he finally answered the question I had asked his wife over the phone. The company's policy was that if the customer was unsatisfied with the work, the customer could send it back in and they would service it for free. A very reasonable policy that somehow was beyond his wife's capacity to answer over the phone. The owner's excuse for his wife's behavior was that she was stressed. Hardly an excuse for how I was dealt with over the phone. So finally I had my answer and sent my pedal back in for repair. They worked on the pedal and fixed it this time, simply by deleting the mempory of the prerecorded loops that the pedal had come with. A simple fix, I know, but I did not know how to do it. (which is why I sent it in of course.) The company emails me back and says the unit has been worked on and is ready to go. I confirm, and another 3 WEEKS go by. I email the company again, and they had forgotted to ship it!!! So they finally ship it back to me, and now it works. Overall, I will NEVER be returning to this company. The customer service was AWFUL. They don't seem to respect the fact that there is a knowledge gap between the musicians and those that are able to service these pieces of technology, and it most definitely shows. The pedal definitely had something wrong with it, seeing as I was not capable of getting it to work, and after all that they send a note back saying "I think the cutomer should pay shipping because there was no real defect." Was there a fake defect? It didn't work, they worked on it, and now it works. Hhmmmm, maybe there was a reason I sent it in. Perhaps not a physical defect with the device, but average issues that come up with a pedal through years of use. I do NOT recommend this company. STAY AWAY.

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