Complaint History & Business Rating for New Life TV - TAPP Media LLC

2 Cerf Ln, Mount Kisco, New York, 32096, United States.

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Claims vs New Life TV - TAPP Media LLC (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Maryjo K.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:25-Jun-2019
Maryjo K. says: I read the complaints posted and immediately asked for a fraud investigation as i too did not authorize this transaction.
I have the card in hand, did not authorize any one else to use it . I had them issue a new card as I saw that they will go back in and do it again after the refund is issued. I will not be liable for it as long as a fraud investigation is open.
thanks for posting the above info we can do something about this problem.
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  • Commented By:Yolanda W.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:08-Apr-2018
Yolanda W. says: It is a Credit Card SCAM Service who only serves to get your credit card information under the premise of a Free 7 Day Subscription and immediately charges your credit card. Never trust a company that doesn't offer a Cancel Button when taking your Credit Card information. Even if you close the website (because there is Not a CANCEL Button) and don't click on Submit, it still charges your card.
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  • Commented By:Michael D.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:23-Sep-2017
Michael D. says: We cancelled in August 2015. Got a credit card refund the same day. Then, it auto-renewed by credit card in August 2016, which I did not catch on credit card statement. Then, it auto-renewed again by credit card in August 2017. I saw this charge, and have contacted the company about getting a refund from the 2016 charge and the 2017 charge. No resolution yet.
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  • Commented By:Stacie P.
  • Recommended:Yes
  • On:21-Apr-2017
Stacie P. says: There's zero customer service once you signed on to this TV subscription. It auto-renews without my consent and I tried calling and emailing numerous time, no one ever got back to me. This is unethical business. It's a shame especially it is for a Christian content subscription.
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New Life TV - TAPP Media LLC’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Tapp Tv, California

    • Overcharge or billing error
    • Problem with a product
    Claimant says:On September 12, 2015 I attended a conference of Women of Faith in Anaheim, Ca. There was a representative of New Life TV offering a program for $99.00 charged to my credit card. This amount was totally refundable if you were not satisfied. We were supposed to contact TAPP-TV at 800-571-9908 for a refund. I have been calling every week since Oc...

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