Complaint History & Business Rating for PACLAB Network Laboratories (Headquarters)

660 SW 39th St Ste 200, Renton, Washington, 98057-4916, United States.

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What PACLAB Network Laboratories (Headquarters) customers think NEW

Claims vs PACLAB Network Laboratories (Headquarters) (1):

Comments and Feedback from Users

  • Commented By:Deborah L.
  • Recommended:No
  • On:14-Sep-2016
Deborah L. says: They don't handle their billing, but instead employ a company which has no conscience. They send bills to collections that are not even two months old and as in my case, did not bill the insurance. This happened in several instance's. In fact they sent a bill to collections in January , from November of the previous year. I paid the bill and I was reimbursed when the billed my insurance. They continued to send bills to my old address, where I have not resided in almost six (6) Year. I called them tried to resolve the issue permanently, I was promised that this would be remedied, It never was. We now go to other labs, as nothing was resolved...truthfully, they don't care!
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PACLAB Network Laboratories (Headquarters)’s Complaint History (1):

1 claim is currently posted for public review and comment :

    • Claim
    • Seeking:

    My Claim vs. Paclab

    • Overcharge or billing error
    Claimant says:Our Doctor is affiliated with Highline Hospital, So my husband uses tier lab to have his blood work done. They asked him for his driver's license. He gave it to them, he didn't ask why. A couple months later we received a call from a collection agency, stating that the bill from the lab went unpaid and was turned over to collections. The bill was l...

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